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It's August now


In A Heartbeat is my bitch.

It's everyone's bitch actually.

Except for the homophobes.

But they're not part of everyone.

Shots fired bitch.

Come at me bro.

Any who.

The thing I was looking forward to the most this week was getting my hair did.

I've actually been excited for it all summer.

Actually, even before summer.

You see.

I'm a girl.

But not a girl.

But also kind of a guy.

Well I sort of dress like a guy.

And I wear a binder from time to time.

But I'm not here to project my gender expression issues onto you.

I'm here to talk about hair.

Especially, Miles McKenna's hair.

In 2015.


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Now you make think

'Hey, what's so special about that hairstyle anyway?'

Well I'll tell you Shaniqua.

It is because

That hairstyle is not only cute

Like me


Like me


Like all emos

But also genderneutral

Like me!

It's exactly the hairdo that I need.

Because for some reason

When I dress a particular way

I get put in a better mood

I feel better about myself

Certain areas of my personality surface.

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