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There was a middle part of my hair that was a lot longer than the rest.

So I asked my mum to cut that part off cause it looked odd.

I told her I wanted it neck-length.


I don't know

I guess since she's a hair stylist

She figured that one side should be shorter than the other

Since it's apparently 'the style'

When I looked in the mirror I saw that one side was neck-length and the other was chin-length

I freaked out

I got really upset and started throwing a tantrum but my mum got angry and said'That's what you wanted, it's not my fault.'

She then tried to claim that I'd asked for it all to be cut off

She even told my sister this while she was still cutting it but I corrected her

So I don't understand how she still got it wrong

I got really upset, but my mum wanted to fix it but I said no

She still proceeded to cut my hair and when I asked her what she was doing she said that she was 'touching it up'

I really hoped she wasn't doing anything but I found that she'd cut the other half off too, so my hair was now chin-length

I obviously didn't take that well

There was a lot of shouting and arguing and we were really mad at each other

We still are, I think

Even though my sister brushed it out for me and told me it wasn't 'that bad' I still feel like it's awful

What do you think?

What do you think?

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Ugh, awful photo

I feel really insecure about it

I start summer camp tomorrow!

What will all the other kids think?

Ugh, I'm so done.

On the bright side my 'actual' binder arrived today:

On the bright side my 'actual' binder arrived today:

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Quite hefty

Nice color

I feel weird owning it

Like I'm betraying my gender

Whatever that is

I'm also kind of afraid to wear it

Cause I'm scared I might forget to take it off

Plus it feels real weird

But oh well, all for experimentation.

I'm in a really bad mood rn, let's hope summer camp is fun.


Update: I just found at that she still did the fucking 'style'.

One side of my hair is chin-length while the other is ear-length.

I want death.

I hate everything.

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