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Internet Friendship
A Story

One day, a lickle boy, who didn't even know he was a boy yet, was scrolling on the phanfics.
Funnily enough, the story was called Transgender~Phan.
He was scrolling through the comments, when he noticed one by a particular user. 'HOLD UP HOLD UP LEMME CATCH MY BREATH, LEMME COUNT THESE CHEQUES, FLEX ON MY EX' Said HeyItsShorty.
The boy giggled, for this was a song that he and his friends had been joking about recently. He replied 'WHERE CAN I FIND YOUR MEDAL'. 'IDK PROLLY SOMEWHERE IN THE TRASH' They said back. He chuckled again, he'd never seen someone use the word 'prolly' before.
'HEY HATE TO BE INCURRENT BUT WHATS THE SONG CALLED?' He asked. The person replied, adding the word 'M8' at the end. This made him smile. 'HEY, I KNOW THIS SOUNDS DUMB, BUT SINCE WE'RE M8S, CAN WE FOLLOW EACH OTHER?' He enquired shyly. He expected to get blocked or maybe told off for being follower-desperate, but the person complied with ease.
He did the same, flicking around their profile. The boy was really happy with what he saw. Their bio was awesome. TØP(haha), DnP, Y!!!OI. It felt so weird to see someone who shared all his interests. He knew he'd found a proper person to be friends with, but he knew he couldn't push it. He waited.
The next day, someone replied to a comment he left on yet another phanfic. As if by magic, it was the exact same person from yesterday. 'SHORTYYYYYY :)' He replied happily. He was really happy to see them, the desperate lonely fxck. 'AYYYYYY XD' Shorty answered.
He barely had time to process what was going on, before they typed 'Yo fam, wanna chat?'. He lost it. 'Sure!' He typed back. HeyItsShorty popped into his DMs with a subtle 'Hoi', and thus a beautiful frenship was born.
Over the next year, so many wonderful moments were made. A budding tween romance, which crashed to the ground after three months, comfort over mental breakdowns, general confinement and togetherness, and most special of all, to him, at least, kindness over being transgender.
The boy loved his new friend, who, by the time he types this, is far from new, and hoped that they could be friends for as long as possible, for this short Mexican meme had wormed her way into his heart.

Happy 1 year friendaversary HeyItsShorty :)

Love ya ❤️

Kay so I did this thing where I catalogue all the special things that happened over the year we've been friends, but honestly there were so many moments and memories and this is just a tiny sum up 🤗

February: The month they met, where they laughed about Chris' from Yuri!!! On Ice's gayness at 3am and talked about memes

March: Birthname returns to school and they text every other day on the school computers. Everyone at school is skeptical about internet friends but Birthname doesn't give a fxck.

April: I'm A Huge Prick and I Write Rant Books Not Tragedies are born and Kimiyah starts blossoming before our very eyes.

May: Tag, You're It is made and Kimiyah becomes canon. Birthname cries. Wattpad gets blocked and Birthname cries more. Later on, Birthname resurfaces on Wattpad and shouts at everyone for forgetting about him.

June: Kimiyah's one month anniversary swings round and Birthname composes a song to celebrate. He never gets to perform it as his Finals swing round just in time.

July: Birthname gets a large wave of dysphoria over the Summer ball and thus becomes Mr. No Name Kid. He comes back for summer break and the iconic SNOW adventures come into existence.

August: More SNOW adventures, No Name Kid gets a binder, Kimiyah falls apart and Shorty disappears off of the face of the earth

September: No Name Kid goes back to school, Shorty comes back and comments on his profile 'Come back wtfff'

October: No Name Kid has found his name, and has a mild panic attack over dysphoria. Shorty comforts him like the good friend she is. They talk slightly less, but it's no big deal.

November: Error 404: Interaction not found

December: Shorty's bday rolls around, Toby makes a big deal out of it, Toby also makes a big deal out of the fact that they're not talking as much anymore, Shorty goes 'shhhh we still good G we just busy' and Toby's like 'ok lol'. Did I mention Toby also goes full tranny and Shorty's like 'Alright lol'.

January: Nothing much other than a DM saying 'Happy New Year and shiz'

February: The pair get excited over their upcoming friendaversary, Toby spends an hour making a friendship chapter, and is going to spend twice as long making friendship fanart like the sentimental fxck he is. But only because he loves his friend and still cries over how lovely she is and how she's been there for him for so long and how he hopes that their wilting frenship won't crash down, but instead flourish into long-lasting companionship. But then again, Toby is a cheesy douchebag who takes everything too seriously, so let's see.

Happy friendaversary Shorty! Here's to lots more years 💞

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