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So as you know

I received my binder on Sunday

I wore it to camp the next day

It was catastrophic.

As you saw in the photo it was 'quite hefty' meaning that it was ridiculously long

It reached up to my hips, for pete's sake!

It was really annoying putting on so I just rolled up the material to my waist.

Bad idea.

Nobody knows this, but I'm like Dan.


Dan has a problem keeping his pants up, and so do I.

We're both 'dumb thicc' and have a 'peculiar butt shape' so this can be a problem at times.

This is the part where it gets too personal

Some of my irl friends may know that I NEVER wear jeans.

Because they can't get up my knees.

It's a bit embarrassing.

I only wear shorts and joggers, leave me alone.

But when I wear trousers of any kind, there can be a problem.

I wore a pair of jeggings on Monday.

They fit quite well and were a nice colour and they were okay.

I slung them up to the middle of my tummy like I always do, and they were fine.

Time to remind you about the binder.

I'd rolled this thing right up to my waist, and the material was sticking out really awkwardly.

I mainly ignored it throughout the day, but I think I got too comfortable at a point.

It was at the 3/4 quarter point of second half, and I was sitting with my team, where I was the only female.

I was looking at the board when I felt a familiar problem occurring.

Now, what's the space above your butt called? Cause I have no idea.

Any who, that was showing.

I decided to try and pull my jeggings back up nonchalantly, but then I remembered the binder.

I was too shy to ask for the bathroom.

I didn't want to move.

So I did the only reasonable thing.

I pulled the binder down while pulling the pants up.

It was better typed than done.

For one, the rolls were fairly tight, and took donkey's years to flatten out.

It felt really uncomfortable cause the binder clung to my hips, but it was manageable

Except for the back

I would deliberate but that's NSFW

Not safe for Wattpad


Thankfully it went mostly smoothly and no one noticed.

Because fortunately, the boys sitting next to me were more into games than girls and barely acknowledged my existence!


So the rest of the day passed fine till I got home.

That morning I'd woken up a bit sick.

After I got dressed I got more sick.

I didn't want to move.

I had anxiety.

Also my binder was tightening my already tight chest.

But it was all fine after a nice hot chocolate and accompaniment from Mum.

Then when I got home I had a different type of sick.

I had a bleeding headache and my teeth hurt.

Pretty ridiculous.

I went to sleep immediately

Because my head was killing me

And woke up 3 hours later to realize I'd slept with my binder


I'd been wearing my binder for 11 hours.

Daz not good.

I woke up groggier and sicker than before, with a grueling neck and shoulder ache, but surprisingly no back aches.

After a couple of minutes I took off my binder and slouched in bed

I was sick

I would tell you about the terrible evening I spent in illness but we're not here for that

So I was okay after a while

The end.

The moral of the story is

Don't be thicc.

So as of now I am not wearing that binder.

And I don't think I am ever again.

I knew binders weren't my thing

I just wanted to try it out

And failed horribly

Oh well, impromptu binders work too


Tag, You're ItDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora