TAG #55813892

16 2 11

I've lost count and I couldn't care less

But before we dive into the tag

We must discuss

Something actually serious


My book is named after a Melanie Martinez song

Sorry if that name triggers you

And now

Since well

Everyone freaking hates her and is triggered by her

I have no idea if I should change it or possibly even delete this book

I mean this all a bit serious

But honestly

That's a bit much

So what I think I should do is just pretend it's a reference to the game


Any who

1. Do you have any scars?
Tons cause I'm an edgy boy©

2. Do you have a crush?
Well it's very complicated but I'm kind of but not really crushing on two boys in my year who are really cute. I'm kind of friends with one but I've never talked to the other in my life. 🙄

3. Have you ever kissed someone?
Nope, not properly anyway. Unless my Miles McKenna print out counts.

4. Coke or Pepsi?

5. Someone you hate?
No one actually I'm just not in a hateful mood

6. Best friend?
Add an s in there and AmberKoal, awuoriwo and ravenwood12345

7. Ever done alcohol?
I mean I always had a sip of my parents' when I was little

8. Drugs?
Well I had some Panadol the other day 😎

9. Dream job?
Anything to do with art. Also I'd really like to be a model in my late teens cause I wanna show off them THICK THIGHS©

10. Ever been in love?
Literally every five seconds it's called being pansexual

11. Last time you cried?
Day before yesterday when I heard about Melanie

12. Favorite color?
I have no idea but I think blue cause bOY

13. Height?
5'7 or something I'm a short guy

14. Birthday?

15. Eye color?
Like brown or blue or something idk

16. Hair color?
Brown or black but soon to have a SNAZZY BLUE FRINGE

17. What do you love?
Myself (haha), memes, pancakes, dogs, drawings, Dirty Paws(it's a short film, watch it) and a lot of other things :))))))

18. Obsession?
The question should be what I'm NOT obsessed with

19. Do you love someone?
That's a deep question so syntax.error Toby.exe has stopped wORKING

20. Kiss or hug?
Hugs. Hugs for everyone!

21. Nickname?
Txby, and a million others

22. Favorite song?
You're gonna hate me for saying this...but SOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME THE WORLD IS GONNA ROLL ME

23. Favorite band?
Probably TØP or FOB or maybe even Neon Trees or Gorillaz or Arctic Monkeys or Queen

24. Worst thing ever?
I don't understand the question but bEES

25. Near death experience?
I almost got run over by a car because I was reading a Hetty Feather book while walking

26. Oh fxck Nyds messed up

27. Ever dated?
Nope. Ever

Can someone please change that I'm a lonely boi

28. Worst mistake?
I actually have no idea XD

29. Special talents?
Lip syncing, dancing, drawing, singing, playing instruments, working with computers, showing off thicc booty© amongst other things

30. Someone you can tell everything to?
HeyItsShorty cause she's the best

31. Ever lost a loved one?
Well this was this girl on Insta who I thought was amazing and really cute but one day her account disappeared and I was really sad and this doesn't count does it?

32. Do you believe in love?
Hell to the yes

33. Someone you hate?
Nobody actually

34. Are you okay?
I'm better than okay, thanks :)

And that's it! :)

P.S: As you may have noticed, I'm a trans guy. I realized a few weeks ago and now we're here. My name's Toby now and I'm very happy with that. You can call me any pronouns but I'd rather you called me he/they thanks :)

It's been a lot, but I'm here now and I'd appreciate your support! :)

Stay gay! 🏳️‍🌈

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