Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Erik Lehnsherr was seventeen when he ran away from the foster home he was in. He didn't need anyone to watch out for him, he could take care of himself. He decided to go across the states, to California. He could find somewhere to live there. He could really use a ride though. Charles Xavier was eighteen when his step father died. His parents had died when he was young, and so the family fortune was his. He did what any responsible eighteen year old would do; he bought a brand new car and took it for a drive. Erik was walking alongside the road when he saw a car coming up. He quickly stuck his hand out, waving, "Hey! Hey!"

Charles frowned. He braked and pulled over.

Hi, hi," Erik said quickly, "I...can I get a lift? I'm trying to get to California..."

Charles stared at him. "California...?"


"Uh... I'm not going all the way to California..."

"That's fine," Erik nodded, shifting his backpack, "Just as far as you're going."

"Okay... yeah... sure..."

Erik grinned and hopped into the front seat next to him, "Thanks!"

Charles nodded. He checked traffic, then got back on the road and drove. Erik hummed softly and stretched his legs out. He had been walking for a long time. "So... why California?"

"It's far away from here."

"Why do you want to be far away from here?"

"There's nothing for me here."

"Oh... me neither, I guess."

"I just need out."

Charles nodded. He drove quietly.

Erik glanced at him, "What station is this? How old are you? This is old man music."

Charles huffed. "My car, my music."

Erik shrugged and reached over to change it. Charles ignored him and drove. Erik changed the station to a metal and rock station and then returned to staring out the window. Charles sighed. He changed the station back. "So you're not a creepy like, rapist right?"

"Do I look like it?"

"I dunno. What do creepy rapists look like?"

Charles' step father immediately came to mind; he wouldn't put it past him. "I don't know. I've never met one."

Erik shrugged and sighed, "Well, I guess you're okay. Besides, you seem nice enough."

Charles hummed softly. "Good."

"So, where are you going?"


"Really? I thought you said you weren't!"

"Well, I don't have anywhere else to be..."

" thanks!"

Charles smiled meekly and drove. Erik leaned back on the seat and smiled, closing his eyes. "Comfortable?"

"Very. I'm out on my own, got a ride to California, what else do I need?"

"Money? A plan? Your own car?"

Erik huffed, "I have freedom to do what I want. And that, my good man, is what matters."

Charles laughed. "Alright."

"Do you think the best discoveries were planned? Do you think scientists woke up and decided they were going to discover something specific on that very day? Of course not," Erik smiled.

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