Fake Me A Smile: Bill's Beginning

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(Someone wanted to know Bill, before he met Dipper, so I shall deliver on my promise to them, enjoy my lovelies)

"Bill, I'm sick of your attitude. Ether you fix your behaviour, or get out of my house!" My father yelled, waving my grads in my face. I just sat there, tired, emotionless— it hurt to feel things.

"Listen old man, I never asked to be enrolled in that school for snobs. And it's not my fault she wanted to sleep with me," I said, a smug look on my face. Will just sat there silently as a took blow after blow as my father kept beating me, with his rage. After being covered with bruises, my father threw me to the ground. Blood dripped from my lips, it hurt, but I didn't care. "Fine! Get your things, and get out of my house! As long as you're worthless, you're never allowed back in this household!" He yelled, throwing my bag down on top of me.

It was funny," Ha! No wonder mom left you!" I teased, but in that split second, my father took a knife, and slashed out my eyelid."ah!" I screamed in pain, holding my eye as it started to bleed. "Fine!" I screamed, throwing all what I needed into the bag, then blotted out the door. I didn't care where I was going or how long it would take to get on my feet, but it didn't matter, nothing mattered.

After about 2 days, I was cold, tired and hungry. I had no where to go, and I don't plan on crawling back to my old man for forgiveness. It's his fault moms gone, it's his fault I can barely see out of my eye, that I'm homeless.

"So what if u don't want to marry that bitch? Not my problem," I chuckled. It was funny, how I lived a great, pampered life up until now, and look at me— sitting on the streets in the rain, looked at like scum.

My eyes, tired, body— cold, closing my eyes– a kid, slightly younger then I, came into view, he was walking towards me, probably going to steal my things," oh well," I whisper, falling to sleep.

Waking up, an open umbrella sat in my hand, above me, a Jacket covered my legs. "So. I guess that kid took pity on me," I chuckled, in the coat had an ID in it," Mason Pines," I whisper." I'll remember that," I chuckle.

After a few weeks, I got a job as a extra on movies. Soon I was something of a child actor— then a star. After 3 years, my father finally contacted me, asking— begging for my to come back. It was music to my ears. He begged me to marry his partner's daughter, to seal the deal on their agreement, but I killed her. She was the first of my victims, and certainly not my last. Will actually grew a pare after I left when I was 13.

"Bill?" Dipper moaned, as he shifted up from the covers, propping himself up on his elbows. His messy bed head was absolutely adorable.

Rubbing his hair, I smile," yeah cutie? What is it?" I ask, kissing his forehead.

"You hand the dream again, didn't you?" He asked, leaning in closer.

I sighed," yeah, I did. But I'll be ok," I answer, but he's not impressed.

"Lier," he jumps on top of my, our bare chests, rub together.

Running my fingers through his hair, I pull him down into a kiss," kinky" I chuckle through the kiss, he pulls away with a pout," you going to ride me again?" I cock an eyebrow.

"Bill, Chiper. I've been dating you for one year, and living here for almost just as long. I can tell when you lie," he said coldly.

"Fine," I chuckle," my jackass of a father, wants me to get to get married, so I can take over his business," I sighed, holding him close to my chest.

"Then? Why not marry me?" He whispered, his face was red.

I chuckled," not until you graduate," I sigh. If I had it my way, I'd marry him the second I found out he was my soulmate.

"Then that's only a few more months," he laughed quietly as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I meant University, you're a smart kid. Don't waist your chances," I sighed. I want to make sure he's mine forever, even though we are forever bond— I'm worried about him. People still try to pick him up of the streets, in the coffee shop, at school. Has to show people that he's already found his soulmate, and that's me, but I don't know how many people I've got into fights with over touching him. I nearly killed a few.

"Booooooo," he flatly said. "Marry me, then I'll go to University," he teased.

I laughed, pulling him into a sloppy kiss. "If you marry me, I'd never let you leave the house," I joked, kissing his lips more.

Chuckling through the kiss," I don't mind," he kissed back.

"Fine, as soon as you settle into you university, I'll marry you," I chuckle, showing him my pinky. "I promise," I wink.

"You promise?" He asked,

"I promise, pine tree. I'd never lie to you," I say, taking his pinky, wrapping around my own and, give it a kiss." Is it a deal, pine tree?"

He sighs in relief," deal, razzle-dazzle Dorito," he kisses my head.


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