A Queen's Duty

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(Thank you LGBTQA_Shipper's request. My first one since I've been back! Very much appreciated)

The great hall isn't so great. It's big and wide like any great hall. It stretches out so far that the doors are small across the room. The walls are red and painting frames gold. Each painting had been burned black and chard. The floor is a light brown, polished until it's so shiny Dipper could see his face. Every scar and freckle on his nose and chin. The center of the hall has a very long red velvet carpet from center doors to the throne. Dipper ran his fingers over the black crusty layer.

"Come here, Pine Tree, " the king summons him by a nickname only he uses. His voice came from across the room. Dipper's hazel eyes glance across the floor. He makes eye contact with his reflection before looking at King.

He walks over to the throne. It's a slow and practically painful walk up to the king himself. Hair think and blond, it would be unkept and unruly if Bill had his way, which didn't. Dipper manages it with his own fingers, for the king trusts no one to touch him. His skin is pasty, carved head to toe with markings and scars from his past.

Dipper remembers a night when the king was very angry. Only Dipper could calm the savage king in his time of blinding anger. Dipper remembers the long night of loveless and beastly sex with the king. At the end of the night, Dipper was left feeling cold and sleepy. The king had his back to Dipper, sitting off of his own bed. Old and crossed whip marks covered into his back like spider webs. Dipper's mind was clouded with sleep, so his judgment was not right when he reached out and with silky soft fingers that barely brushed the king back like it was rich silk, not meant for a commoner's hands. The King flinched. His head jerked around to look at Dipper in complete horror. Dipper had touched to marks of a slave, not a king.

That's right, Dipper remembered. The king was once a slave. Once upon a time long ago. Before the war, before Dipper.

And that made his king very angry. He left the room without a single word. He left Dipper alone in the warm bed feeling very cold.

Dipper stops barely a foot away from the king. The king reaches out a hand to Dipper. It's filled with rings that he could barely see the pasty, fleshy fingers. Dipper knows this game. He's done it before. Before be can sit, he must flatter. Dipper kneels at his king's thick black boots to knees.

Dipper mouthed the gold rings and kissed the rubies. He pecked the sapphires and swallowed the emeralds. The king pulls his hand away and pats Dipper's curly brown hair. He left Dipper's mouth feeling money and tasting of metal and rocks. "There now sweet pet, no one is around, " he whispers with an all too slay grin of a fox.

Dipper knows this very well also. He also knows that he does his job very well, as his king's queen after all. He peels back the dark pants and gets to work. As a queen, it's his job to please the king when he's stressed and angered.

His knees hurt, and mouth is sore from the quick work he must make out if the king's erection before the very important guests arrive.

"Enough, " his king said. He picked Dipper's face away. His thumb hooked lower lip and thumb flattens on his tongue to leave Dipper's mouth open and red. "Hop up." He pats his lap.

Dipper increases himself, not caring for the mess of his clothes laying before the king's throne. Dipper wiggles out a butt plug out of him. His king is always pleased when his queen is ready for breeding at any moment. Dipper learned to get used to walking around with it inside.

He climbs into the king's lap and slides down. He moans softly, head falling back and arms wrapped around the king's neck. He only said this name in bed. His king never liked his name, but when Dipper said it, it was always allowed. But only for his ears. Dipper moans softly, " Bill."

His job, as the Queen, after all, is to satisfy the king in any way. And since Dipper has taken on such a role, he has lost his shame along with his family. Nothing to be ashamed of when there is no one important enough to be embarrassed for. Not to mean that his family is dead. Just not in the picture.


Later at the dinner party with very important people, his king got very angry. Dipper knew it was his own fault. He should have never shown up for dinner. He should have stayed in his chambers until the king needed him.

"May one excused to my room, my king?" he asked. Not wanting to embarrass his king any further by being apart of a dinner that can still be saved if only he be allowed to leave.

A man as a Queen would be funny if it wasn't. The noblemen? Hans, took a man as his lover before the man took off with the children and half the fortunes.

A commoner.

A commoner is why they laughed. Dipper did not blame them. He would have left

His king glared that him from the head of the table. "My sweet Pine Tree, " he spoke with a hand extended to him. Dipper stood, like he always did to the king's command. "Come here." Dipper stepped forward.

Bill signalled him to press his ear to his royal lips. And so he did. In the past, Dipper would be red as blood at the request his king made, but know it was only a task that needed to be performed.

Dipper rib himself if his clothes, even as the guests protested to such uncleanness. His king fucked him on the dining room table for all to see. Dipper did not dare hold his voice back from moaning out with king's name in pleasure. The guests watched in horror. Dipper was too far lost in the bliss to notice what Bill had ordered the guards to do.

Bill, his king had his guests beheaded right at the table while they have sex on the table. Bill promised not to have another dinner party until the flesh rotted off.

Dipper was a very lucky queen indeed.

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