A Bloodied Heart part 2

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The day was bright, with the cold chill of the wind crawling up Dipper's jacket as he waited outside the closed school.

His nerves had him in a worry. 'What if Bill stood me up? Or what if this was all some joke? Should I just go home? It's almost been 7 minutes— I can't take it!' These thoughts ran through his mind like an unstoppable train, moving at high speeds.

"Hey, you should up!" A voice called out to him; that sweet, mischievous tone sent shivers up his spine as he turned to face Bill.

If it wasn't so cooled out– I would be obvious that Dipper was blushing. Bill stood cheerfully in front of him. He wore a red beanie, a black jacket huge from his shoulders. His shirt was white with a thick black outline of a triangle in the middle. His jeans were light grey with a chain connecting to his wallet in his back pocket. He still had his gold piercings in, along with his ring. His blood hair was messy, like he just woke up. It all made Dipper blush pure red, luckily it was freezing outside so no one will ever know.

"Yeah. I little to be on time," he said as he walk over to meet Bill.

Bill smiled," then should we get going?" He asked waving the glasses from his jacket pocket. Nodding, Dipper fallowed Bill down to the bus stop. "Hey, you haven't eaten have you. Maybe we could get something?" Bill offered.

"No, I haven't," Dipper said," if it's ok with you— we can go," he muttered.

The smile never left Bill's face," ok then. I'll pay,"

"No! No. I— I'll pay," Dipper said— his face redder then ever.

"Nope. Not happening— I'm paying. That's that," Bill said, pulling Dipper onto the bus.

Dipper sat silently at the table, the place was warm, but awkward. People kept coming up to talk to Bill, asking him for his number, if he was single, hitting on him. Dipper was just there— sitting quietly in anger and annoyance at the woman that openly flirted in front of a family restaurant. The men that asked if—

"Hey, you okay?" Bill asked, his concerned look in his eyes filled Dipper with surprise— a joyful one.

"I'm fine. It's just a little awkward with people always coming up to the table," he sighed in a soft chuckle.

"Yeah sorry, this always happens, I hate it," Bill sighed, leaning forward on his palm— a soft, yet smug smile on his lips.

"So?" Bill started," you're pretty smart aren't you?" Bill chuckles. Dipper nodded. Even though he's only 16, he could graduate now, and head off to university whenever the hell he wanted at this point.

"Yeah, I guess," Dipper said, staring down at his good.

"Now you're being modest," Bill laughs," you could've graduated last year if you wanted," Bill smiles.

His praise made Dipper's face blush, people tell him all the time that his one of the smartest kid in the past decade, but the same words over, and over again just got dry, and Dipper stoped caring. "It's not that big of a deal. I just prefer to self study more— it's not like I know all the secrets to the universe,"

"You might as well have," Bill cocked a little smirk on his face. Dipper was surprised at his words. "Well now I'm bored— I know!" He said excitedly," let's go watch a movie," he said happily.

"But— wait, didn't— didn't you say we were going to fix my glasses?" Dipper asked in a confused tone.

"Yeah, and we will. I just want to go see a movie, and you're coming along with me," he teases.

Dipper's face was pure red at this point— but he was happy." Um, ok," he smiles softly.

"Great! Let's go," Bill cheered excitedly.
The theatre was pitch black at this point, besides the movie playing in front of us. A movie Bill raved about the whole walk here. His voice was was filled with excitement and energy, but now he was sitting quietly as the movie played on.

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