Broken Pieces Part 2

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Blood dips from his hand, and licks his red stained lip. The corpuses scattered across the ground. Bill smiles to himself as he steps over the bodies. "I'm coming from you, pinetree," he chuckles as he leans down, grabbing one of the match for one of the bodies; lighting it. As the match hits the ground, he walks away from the flaming building.

The snow lit up beautifully in the bright light of the large flame behind him. His hand shoved into the stolen jacket on his back, he is warm, and the money he rated from the corpses, he has enough to make it back to his old warehouse.


Dipper walks through the snowy streets. His cheeks and nose pink, and he breathes in the chilling air. Dipper was glad he quit his job a month ago, glad he went back to school; however, his heart still throbs when he thinks of Bill. Tightly, he hugs the shopping bag, face turning pure red.

"I'm so stupid," he whispers to himself as he walks by an shop that sales TVs, radios, ect. His mouth and heart drops," oh my god," he whispers, staring in horror at the burning building he once worked at.

"Tragic, isn't it?" A voice jokes, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"I—I used to work there," Dipper stutters, pulling away from the arm.

A chuckle leaves the man, pulling the young man into his chest." Oh I know, doctor Pines," he coos.

The voice was so familiar, Dipper's heart skips. Looking up, his eyes widen." Bill?" He he says breathless. The man's arm around him was wore a heavy, black jacket. Blond hair slicked back and same smug look. "Oh my god," he says, shaking.

Bill smirks, arm still around the younger male." Did you miss me?" He asks in a smug tone. "Amid it, you missed me," he coos seductively into Dipper's ear.

The young male's face goes red, " I thought you burned in the fire," he whispers.

Bill lets out a thoughtful hum, nodding slowly." Want to know a secret?" He coos. A lump sits in Dipper's throat, looking up at Bill with big eyes, he nods. "Your so cute," Bill blurts, making the boy's face redder." Sorry," he smiles sweetly.

"It's alright," Dipper mutters." You were about to tell me something?" He says, looking away.

"Yeah. The secret is," he trails off, mouth touching his neck," I burned the place down," he chuckles darkly, making Dipper freeze.

"Oh god," he whispers, voice and body shaking. "Jesus," he whispered, bringing his hands up to his mouth.

"How 'dout we have a little talk. It's been awhile," he says, blindly leading the frightened boy down the street.


Anxiously, Dipper sits on the chair across, from Bill, who is smugly smiling at him. Heart pounding, breath speeding, mouth dry, and skin sweating— Dipper couldn't take it. Bill had blindly lead him to a bar he's never been before. "Want a drink?" He asks in a smirk.

Bill's voice shocks him back to reality and Dipper shook his head." I'm too young to drink," he responds quietly.

"Come on, just a sip," Bill teases, swirling the glass around in his hand. "You might like it," he says in a sing song tone.

For a moment, Dipper stares at the glass, heart ponding. No one hear knows him, he didn't even have to show his ID. Bill just walked in like one word, bringing a lover long time lover to the parents. "Are— are you trying to get me drunk?" Dipper cautiously asks, eyes moving up to meet Bill's.

Bill smiles as he tilts his head onto the palm of his hand while he places the glass in front of Dipper, sliding it forward. "You'll just have to find out," he says.

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