grey, this one's for you

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the long awaited:  carziger father au

this was requested by: greycarziger

"woo it's uke time!" elizabeth said excitedly jumping out the passenger side of her father's car. after weeks of convincing, she had finally convinced her dad cody to let her buy a ukulele. once cody was out of the car they began walking into guitar center. elizabeth had immediately made her way over to the ukuleles. 

as she was looking, a luna soprano spruce uke caught her eye. there was another girl also looking at ukes that was blocking elizabeth's way. "excuse me," elizabeth said to the girl.

the girl moved out of the way and then looked at elizabeth. gasping, she shouts, "elizabeth!" 

"holy shizzle dizzle in a fizzle, grace!" elizabeth replied. 

upon hearing his daughter shout, maxx, grace's father, walks over to grace and tells her to quiet down. "who's this?" maxx asks grace, gesturing towards elizabeth.

"oh this is elizabeth, one of my twitter friends," grace introduced her friend.

"nice to meet you mr. danziger," elizabeth smiled, shaking maxx's hand. 


after three years of grace and elizabeth hanging out a love started to form between their single dads. the dads had become friends because of how much their daughters hung out.

tonight was another one of those nights. the girls were up in elizabeth's room as their dads were watching football in the basement. the boys were drinking as they watched the game. a few hours later, both boys were drunk. 

"cody," maxx started, "i really like you."

"maxx," cody started, "i really like you too."

the two dads heard their daughters quietly chanting, "kiss, kiss, kiss." the boys walked over to the stairs to see the girls were hiding their eavesdropping.

"oh," maxx started," so you want us to kiss?" the two girls nod furiously. maxx turns to cody and they both start leaning in. their eyes close and their lips touch. it was a brief kiss but an adorable one. the boys laughed when their daughters were awing at them.

okay so this was trash but ehh sorry wifu

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