maxx au compilation

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these are just gonna be the ideas but if you want a full version of any of them just tell me

original trans maxx au:
so maxx is trans. and like he hasn't come out to the sio guys and he's not like transitioned yet. so like sio is on tour k? and maxx gets his period. then he's like shizzle dizzle i need my period products. so when they stop and he gets them he sneaks them into the bathroom. then one of the guys finds the feminine products. and they're like who's tampons are these? and then they ask like all the guys and then maxx starts freaking out and then he like has to come out and stuff yeah.

the ironic age play au:
k so maxx is like lil and Cody is like big and then they go to the park but then they leave bc they see a trump supporter.

so these are all i have yeet

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