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School was boring as always, but it's not like I expect much from it. As lunch started I sat down next to Hamilton, and started to tell him my story.

He couldn't believe what happened, and that I even went close to the bar. "So who's the guy who helped you?"

I shrugged my shoulders as I eat my apple. "I don't know, we never exchanged names."

Hamilton manages to ask a few more questions and I'm able to answer all of them. After lunch was over, I made my way to my locker to grab the last of my things for the last classes.

Closing the door, I turn around and almost shoot up. Standing in front of me was Russel Johnson, my ex. We broke up around two months ago, but he hasn't taken it too we'll. It's getting pretty annoying with him.

"Hey Brielle, how are you?"

"Fine." I say and give him a small smile before walking down the halls to get to my class. Sadly, Russel decided to follow along with me. Can this boy not take a hint? "Russel, can't you move on. I have."

He stuffs his hands in his pockets and looks over at me. "You already have? What, got a new boyfriend or something?"

Suddenly an idea pops in my head, "Actually, I'm seeing someone. We aren't official yet." I could tell Russel was not happy with that answer. Stopping at my class, I wave goodbye to him. "Have a good day Russ."

Walking to my back seat, I smile at my lab partner. He's the only greaser in this class, but I didn't care. He was smart and pretty sweet. "Hey Ponyboy, how was your weekend?"



"You don't mean to say you told your ex that you have a boyfriend, when you actually don't?" Pony asks as we walk to his house. I was telling him about my Russel problem, and asking for some advice. He knows all about us and has even helped me out a few times.

Today we had a lot of work and a test to study for so we decided to head over to his house. I've been wanting to try his family's chocolate cake for the longest time since he's always raving about it.

Adjusting my backpack, I sigh looking down at the ground. "It's what's my proudest moment, okay?" He hides his smirk and nods his head, now looking forward. "What should I do?"

As we walk up to his gate, he opens the door for me and I say a thanks. "Maybe get a fake boyfriend?" He says and we both laugh quietly at that. Walking into the house I see a bunch of boys all around the living room. "Brielle meet the gang, gang meet Brielle. She's my partner for science, so please be nice."

All of them nod their heads, but don't keep their eyes off me. Ponyboy pointed at a guy sitting in front of the tv, watching Mickey Mouse. "That's Two-bit, I know you've seen him a round school." I nod my head yes and Two gives us a small wave.

He then points at two boys sitting on the couch, both eating from a bowl of chips. They both have DX shirts on. "That's Steve and Soda." I knew a lot about Sodapop cause Pony talks about him from time to time. All the girls at school thought he was the cutest and nicest guys out there. Even the socs liked him.

I do have to admit he's a looker. My eyes don't lie. "Darry is at work, and Johnny is probably at the library. Dally is where ever."

Taking a seat on the floor and a slice of cake, we start to get to work. I'm glad Ponyboy was focused even though his friends were pretty rowdy. I wonder how it was with all of them.

Once we get close to finishing, I hear the door open. All of them say hey or hello. Pony looks up and taps my shoulder, "That's Dally, he's the special one." Looking up with a smile in my face, it soon leaves my face.

Dally was the one from the bar last night. Why do you do this to yourself Brielle? His face also held some shock, but he soon played it off with a smirk. "Hey I'm Dallas."

"I'm Brielle."



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