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something wet is touching my face... It's almost like... a cat's tongue?


"Arinnie, wake up. It's me!"

I jolt up, shifting my gaze up to the lightly glowing figure who leans directly above me.

It's Mingyu.. and he's holding a pretty black cat in his arms, who licks it's hands playfully. Ugh Min, yeah I miss you but please stop going inside my dreams. I still need my beauty sleep.

"Don't tell me you forgot about me already!" Am I still in dream? Yes you are. I'm still dreaming, how could Mingyu get here and waking me up. And duh, how could I forgot you? We've been friends since long time ago, it's just that you went above early. Ahh I've got headache, that's why I'm still hearing things and it must be the incident yesterday. Ack! My back hurts~ I probably sleeping in a wrong position. Tsk, I better need some stretching.

"Now you're awake! I was starting to get worried!" He grins down at me and my head starts to spin. I scratched my eyes twice and blink a multiple times. Wha-

"Did you miss me?"

Minmin is here?!

"Wait... aren't you.." All at once, it hits me. I can't help but gasp, and my heart begins to pound. I can't believe it. All these years, I finally see him once again. Yes - without a doubt... This person is definitely Mingyu, my Minmin.

"Arinnie! Arinnie!" He called me. Frozen, I stare up at the sight before me, mouth agape. Mingyu, the boy who is late for his audition and got into an accident 2 years ago, is right here in front of me!

My backache went away, I just woke up and this.. What really.. Grayish color hair, cute smile, gentle eyes... I can barely believe it. Save for a subtle blue glow around him. He looks just the same as before.

To my surprise, he reaches over and pinches my cheek.

"Aaah! What?" Ow~ my puffy and adorable cheeks..

"There we go! Just wanted to make sure you were alive!" He teased.


"I guess that's a pretty ironic thing to say, all things considered..." Mingyu chuckles, but I can't bring myself to laugh. I can't believe this.

It's really Mingyu, my best friend Minmin, isn't? He still has the same laugh, that same smile I'd always admired. I'm verge on crying. After all these years, he came back. Is he even real or am I just hallucinating? But I knew he's here, he is really here. Haven't I dreamed about this my whole life? Getting one more chance to see him again?
He tilts his head slightly, just the way he always did. So casual - and yet still so cute.

In spite of myself, my heart seems to skip a beat, and all those emotions start to rush back.

"What's going on? Am I still dreaming? Y-you're alive?" I hurriedly asked questions just to clarify but he answers with his genuine smile. I can't help it, but tears start to fill my eyes and as always, he doesn't seem to notice how I'm feeling.

"I'm back! Can you believe it? And I'm pretty sure you're not dreaming Arinnie..." He leans over to pinch my cheek again. Arinnie, it feels overwhelming when your love ones calls you by your nickname.

"O-ow~ Hey.."

He laughes. He really is here, Minmin is here.


hi i'm back! yey! and someone asked me if I ship these two. I would say I ship them because of their height :D but hey, both idols were amazing and have breathtaking visuals. so two thumbs up for the two of them! yay


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