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When I've washed up, I gather my stuffs and leap towards the front door. I saw Mingyu standing and his back is facing me. I heard him gasp and hold my shoulders.

"Wait! Where are you going?" He asks while looking at me head to toe. Is he checking me out?!

"No, I'm not! Geez, you just look.. uh.. presentable." He said while looking at his feet and.. smiling? I face palmed. Did I say it out loud? This man really..

"I told you, I need to get to work!"

"Can I come? I still need to talk to you." He seriously said. I don't understand him, a while ago he's goofy and a happy kiddo now e's acting like a man but he looks hot, Wait what?

"S-sure, I guess? We just have to go!" I said. I dash out of the house, Mingyu trailing behind me. We run together to the bus stop. Luckily, a bus has just arrived, so we head on in. With a heavy breathing, I cough out to get some oxygen then I fumble through my purse for money, making sure to pay for two seats.

"Wait miss, that's more than you need." the bus driver said. Uh, it's not time to make an argument.

"Keep the changer, sir! We're in a hurry!" I said while putting back my purse in my bag. The bus is surprisingly empty, not really that empty, there's a couple of students, a woman and an old man with his newspaper, I guess people here really wake up early just to go to work. Mingyu and I find a seat together.

"Okay, Mingyu, I guess you're coming to work with me today." I panted, while combing my hair with my fingertips. "I'm not sure what's going to happen, But we'll figure it out." I added. As I talk to him, he nods intently, taking it in. But for some reason, I feel like all eyes are on me...

Do I stand out today or something? I guess Mingyu is right, I look.. presentable. Or maybe Mingyu really looks out of place?

Luckily for me, the ride is short. We arrive at the entertainment company in record time. Whew~  Jine didn't even notice me because she is too focus on her computer, paper works I guess.

"Almost there!" I rush through the doors, hurrying to my edge of the office. At last I made it. I stop to catch my breath. Everything seems okay. Maybe Mr. Lee Chan won't notice.

"You're late." Uh oh well so much for that.

"Mr. Lee! I'm so sorry for the nth time. I'm sorry I'm late. It was just-" I nervously glance over to Kyle, who shrugs. With a sigh, I try to come up with an explanation. What will I say?! I woke up and my dead-but-now-alive friend is back and we had a little chitchat? I should stop calling him dead because he's alive BUT what will I say?! I tripped over the crossroad that it causes the traffic jam and I got jailed? No Arin, that's lame excuse. How about 'I can't find my money that's why I walk from my house to here?' No Arin, that's a crazy excuse. Does 'my alarm that didn't go off', an acceptable reason? Argh! Can earth swallow me now?

I can't be fired now. Finding a work is like reaching for the stars, it's too hard. And plus, this work is really what I passion. What will I tell to my parents when I got fired? That I'm late? No.. no.. I can't go around and say liar liar things to my boss. If Ming- This is Mingyu's fault! No I can't blame him, he just got here. But he appeared nowhere and it really confuses you alot. But I really can't blame him because he still need an explanation to do. So I blame myself now? Eottokke?

"Just say you met an old friend" I glance at my side, Mingyu. Yes, I can say that easily but I have some consequences to face.

And what do you mean old friend? You're still my friend, Minmin..

"I.. I- My alarm didn't go off.." I nervously said. Somehow, it doesn't seem like he's buying it. He fixed his glasses and speak. He wears all black today, black suit, black glasses, black coat, even his tie is black. He looks presentable, well of course he is. I mean he needs to look presentable because he's my boss. Am I checking him out? Oh gosh, Arin!

"No excuses, Ms. Choi Yewon. This is your job. We need to get started right away" He said and goes back to his seat.

Mr. Lee Chan gets right to the point. I feel pretty embarrassed, but I nod. It's my fault on being late anyway. On the other hand, Mingyu tugs at my sleeve from behind, whispering into my ear.

"Arinnie...I think there's a problem."

Oh goodness, what now?

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