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"But I don't understand! It's been two years, Mingyu! You're-  Wait, is this some kind of prank or something? Am I being possessed or what? This-"

Suddenly, I'm interrupted as the cat jumps from Mingyu's arms onto my nightstand. With a crash, my phone falls from the table onto the floor. The cat leaps onto the windowsill and walks away.

"Hey! That cat! I knew that little cat! Why is that here?" I remember that little cat! I almost die because of her. but luckily I'm alive. But still! I wonder who's cat is that. Did the owner get rids of her? It must be a poor little cat.

"The cat? Don't worry about her. She'll be back." It's a girl? So Mingyu is the owner? I never knew he raised a cat. Wait what? A dead-but-alive man raises a cat? What am I even thinking? This is confusing me! I rolled out of bed to pick up my phone.

"What do you mean? Does she have anything to do with you?" This is confusing me so much! All I knew is I woke up with my backache then Mingyu just popped out nowhere with his little cat.

"Well I can explain-"

"You better be because I can freak out here any minute. You wouldn't want to hear my dolphin voice, yeah?" I said while wiping the dust on my phone. Thankfully, my phone got no scratches. This is my precious ever phone. Suddenly, my phone lit up and my eyes glanced over at the time.

"Wait- No! Oh no!"

"What? What is it?" Mingyu exclaimed. Ugh! I can't believe this!

"Why didn't my alarm go off?! I have to be at work in- in five minutes!" I hurriedly put down my phone and untie my ponytail, unintentionally hit Mingyu's face with my long hair. I shake my head and remember Mr. Lee Chan's piercing gaze. Yesterday, I made a mistake by hitting the cup of coffee then today I'm late! I can't even think what is Jine's face, I guess I need to be ready in case they're going to fired me. But this can't be happening! With a quick breathe, I rush over to my closet, about to undress.

"I'm going to get ready." I said while scanning some comfortable clothes. Even though I'm going to be ate, I still need to be presentable. It's my second day of work, you know. I'm still a fresh employee slash assistant producer of Mr. Lee.

"Okay!" He boringly answered while playing the hem of his shirt.

"That means you need to get out!" I shouted at him. He stood up and wink at me then I playfully hit his head.

"Aw, fine." He grins playfully while leaving my room. After he left, I sighed. I still don't understand... what the heck is happening?! It can't actually be Mingyu, can it? But it is? I mean, who knows he maybe just a doppelganger or just an illusion, or God who knows? Am I being played? Or- No, there's no time to think. I have to get to work on time!

I sure hope Mr. Lee Chan won't fire me for being late!


hey~ so sorry to come back so late. I've been planing to work on a new plot on this story and making another a new story. Have any thoughts or suggestions?


I'm sad MAMA awards didn't include our lovely girls on nomination but I'm happy that my fave boygroup is nominated! So vote SEVENTEEN ON MAMA!

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