Chapter 2: Part One: Emery

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Emery clutched his head

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Emery clutched his head. It throbbed. The pain spiraled between his eyes wrapping around his temples. His vision was doubling but he refused to give in. She held him back; a vision of a girl. He saw her bright smile, bouncing red curls, and the stuffed cat clutched tightly. Then the smile left her face replaced by something else; fear.

He shook his head trying to will the hunger away. It pulsed through him urging him to feed;tempting him to taste blood. Emery could feel it slide down his throat, the sensation of flesh on his tongue. His mind reeled. No! He pushed back fighting the monster inside of him. He'd rather end his existence then succumb to his baser needs again.

He had tried to end it more than once but something stopped him; the demon inside of him. It wanted him to live to feed and kill. Emery struggled against it with every bit of resistance he had left. He curled his fingers into a tight fist. He could do this. The girl she had been so scared. He didn't want anyone to feel that way again.

He closed his eyes. Emery could see her watching him inside of his head. She held out the stuffed cat to him, gripping it's soft white fur. He stared into its button eyes. "Do you want to hold him?" She asked.

Her green eyes pleaded with his own. "Please, Emery...It'll make you feel better." He remembered he had forgotten his own name, then but her words had brought it back to him. How could he have forgotten his own name?

Next, something awful had happened. He bite his bottom lip letting his teeth sink in. A trickle of black blood escaped running down his chin. Emery didn't want to remember. He pushed the vision away attempting to lock it back up inside head.

"Remember, boy!" A man's voice hissed."You need to see what you are now."

"No!" Emery screamed, the words released from deep inside his chest.

There had been so much blood. His body had been drenched; soaked down to his skin through his clothes. The ground had been slick with the red liquid. It had pooled at his feet, surrendering him. Emery remembered struggling for air, drowning in an ocean of blood. There was no redemption for what he had done. He wouldn't do that to anyone else ever again. He didn't want to see what had happened, what he had done. Emery opened his emerald eyes, and watched as his hands trembled.

"You're special," The man continued. Emery swiveled, searching for the owner of the voice, but no one was there. It wasn't until then that Emery realized the voice wasn't coming from the empty room, but inside his own head. "I made you into what you are. Come feed with me. Become what you were meant to be."

Emery's fingers found the dusty wooden chair behind him. It felt sturdy and unyielding. He traced his fingers over the oak trying to center himself. It isn't real he told himself, clutching the arm of the chair tightly. This isn't real he repeated again.

"This is real," The voice assured. "Let go of that humanity. You're not a human anymore Emery."

He gritted his teeth. No, this wasn't happening.

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