Chapter 1: Part Two: Annalise

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The rain had miraculously dissipated while the group stealthy marched towards their destination

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The rain had miraculously dissipated while the group stealthy marched towards their destination. They moved, pausing at the slightest hint of danger. The sky was beginning to lighten, small streams shined through the lowest storm clouds. Anna had lost track of time in the chaos of the night. Dawn was steadily approaching, but the blackness still blanketed the city. She approached the power plant her team at her back.

Anna smelled the corpse before it came into view. Something a demon had left behind. Its body was twisted at an unnatural angle; legs splayed out to the right. Only one arm was still attached but not by much. A thin thread of muscle clung to it. Even from a distance she could tell that the bone had been snapped clean through. A pool of blood lay beneath the body. She grimaced, and gritted her teeth. What an awful way to die.

She held up a hand to Louis and Giselle. They came to an abrupt stop. Anna and her team members surveyed the scene from a few feet away. The bright red blood that pooled beneath the body hadn't been washed away by the rain. The blood didn't even look the least bit diluted. This kill was relatively new. Anna pressed a damp finger to her cool lips silently ordering Louis and Giselle to remain quite. They obeyed.

Pressing one water saturated boot forward, she moved away from them in the direction of the body. She didn't bother to glance back but she was sure Giselle and Louis were preparing for the potential fight. Guns would be ready to fire at her signal. They had trained as a unit, and knew each other's movements by instinct.

She halted at the body sprawled out on the wet ground. It had once been a young woman, but was mangled almost beyond recognition. Anna was sure it wasn't someone she knew now that she was crouched close to the body. When they had first noticed the it she had feared it had been someone from Squad A, but this woman didn't wear a N.O.D.E uniform.

The stench of death hung heavier in the air now that she had moved in closer. Anna held her breath to keep from retching as she examined the body more closely. It didn't matter how many dead bodies she'd seen the smell and sight still twisted her stomach, making her feel sick. Anna dug her nails into her palms as she stepping around the blood.

Leaning in, she tried to determine what kind of demon had killed the unfortunate woman. Narrow claw marks slanted across her abdomen revealing missing pieces of flesh. It had been something moderately small judging by the wounds marring the women's skin. The creature had killed the woman, and managed to severe an arm.

There was a trail of blood moving away from the body, towards a line of trees clustered between the power plant and some short buildings. It appeared that the creature had taken an arm, and left the rest retreating into the safety of foliage. The creature would likely be back for the rest of it's kill once it had consumed what it had stolen away. It was smart to hide out of plain sight while it fed. Other demon's would likely try to steal the kill. Taking the pieces would provide it some food even if a bigger demon came along and decided to take the rest.

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