Chapter 3: Part One: Annalise

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Anna stared mouth gaping, as the teenager standing just across the room, transformed before her eyes

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Anna stared mouth gaping, as the teenager standing just across the room, transformed before her eyes. Anna had never seen another demon like him. Half of the boy appeared to be completely human, while the rest of him had become a shadowed silhouette. She shivered involuntarily, he was absolutely frightening.

The half demon curled his human fingers into an angry fist. One of his eyes glared scarlet, while the other remained emerald green.

The demon nearest to her was still holding onto a piece of her red hair. It smirked down at her, and licked its lips hungrily. Anna shuttered once more, heart beating wildly in her chest. She was going to die tonight. These demons were going to rip her to shreds.

The creature still had a firm grip on her sword. She yanked it back, in an attempt to free it from his powerful grasp. Instead of fighting her over the blade, the demon released it along with the lock of hair he had been clutching. Anna wobbled, nearly stumbling to her backside, having not anticipated that the creature would just let go.

When she looked back up into the demon's eyes, the amusement she saw dancing there made her palms sweat. She tightened her hand around her sword, though the weapon had already proven to be useless against her adversary. Anna had never given up on killing a monster, and she wasn't about to start now.

"Come help me kill her. I know you want to," The demon before her called out to it's ally across the vast room, taunting him.

Anna watched the second demon, who was now standing a few feet away. It caught her gaze, eyes blazing. The intensity of the resolve she saw in it's stare frightened her to her core, but Anna recognized something of herself in it's eyes. It reminded her of her own determination, which startled her even more, she was certain the beast was about to eat her alive.

Abruptly, the half demon boy charged forward, running towards her, fire in it's haunted gaze. Anna was convinced that this would be the end for her, until unexpectedly he collided into the other monster, knocking him back into a wall. The sound of the demon's backside striking into the brick barrier echoed through the room. The demon was stunned for a moment, angry eyes narrowed, he reached out with a clawed hand to slash at the smaller monster, but the attack missed it's mark.

"What are you doing, Emery?" The demon hissed in annoyance, and pulled away from the brick wall. "You will help me slaughter these pathetic humans!"

"No," The word was so quiet Anna almost couldn't hear it.

"What did you say, boy?" The monster's nostrils flared.

The creature Emery paused, fists clenched tightly to his side. "I won't do it. The demon and I, we made a deal."

Emery surged forward, claws outstretched. They grazed against the other demon's cheek leaving a streak of black blood dripping in its wake. The monster struck back, but missed once again, as Emery ducked back out of the way.

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