Angel with no wings

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Dear Carrie.

It's been a long time since you passed away. I still remember how we used to play on our back yard. Me, you and Ashton. We made a great team!

Remember last week I wrote you about a girl I like? Daisy yes. She smiled to me today in school! Great ha? 

The day wasn't God knows what. It was pretty boring. I missed you in the class. We used to talk threw all hours, and how the teacher used to tell us to shut up. Oh good times. But now they mostly tell me to speak up! 

I am very quite since you're gone. I know it's been a month but it feels like forever. 

Ashton is with me all the time. We laugh and go to the city and parties together. But it's not the same without you.

I wish you would be here and we would talk and talk and analize either Daisy likes me or not. I know you could answer me if you were here. But you're not.

I hope you feel good up there. 

I decided to start writing you since I miss you so much. Ash suggested me that. By the way our band is doing great!

Calum and Michael are such a good friends. We got pretty famous by the time. Girls just sticking on us. Not that I complain but the girl I want to stick on me is actually isn't. 

I should go study now. 

Thanks for always being here even when you're not.

I miss you.

P.S.: Don't forget you're and always will be my favorite person on the world.

                                                               Your best penguin friend                                                                                                                                            Luke xx 

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