Chapter 9

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Dear Carrie

It's getting so hot! It's June already! Only 8 days of school left. Yes I am conunting. Don't judge me, I am tired of school.

It's been long since I wrote you. Lots of work for school you know.

And the most weird thing happend! 

My dad actually SHOWED UP at home, after a month I guess. 

And guess what??

He has a girlfriend! Yeah you heard right! He cheated on my mum. Thou she didn't cry a single tear, turns out they wanted to get divorced a long time ago. Just didn't wanna tell.

I am a bit confused and sad, but I guess it must be like that.

I don't care anymore, my life is a mess. Not even God can help me. Well maybe you could, but you're not here anymore, so we're on same.

Back to my main topic.

Lily and I became really good friends.

Not best friends, because that's you. But we get on really great. She's funny and I always feel comfortable in her company. 

She haven't pushed me in anything but I can clearly see that she looks at me the way Ashton looked at you.

'Is it magic? Is it love? Is it sadness in her eyes?'

That could be good part of the song!

Anyways, I think I decided which one I like. Who will be my girlfriend? 

Oh by the way, our songs are goin great! We're playing a gig the day after school ends! Can't wait!!

I almost got a million followerd on twitter! Band is growing and I wanna thank you for always supporting me. 

                                                                                  Lots of love,

                                                                                                          your Luke xx

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