Chapter 4

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Dear Carrie

I had the most weird and good day in this year. I told you about what that girl said to me right? About Daisy, well today I met Daisy and she said 'hi' to me. I smiled and say 'hi' bu weird thing happend. There was a new girl with her. 

I didn't really had time to meet her but I heard her name is Lilia, all thoug everyone calls her Lily. She's really sweet.

I sit alone at classes you know that. Well she sat next to me at chemistry today. We only said few words and she borrowed my pen.

That reminds me, she still has it thou. 

When we went home I found out she's living two streets down the road. We're not that far from each other. I like her.  Maybe we could be friends. I don't know.

But no one will ever replace you. 

So I got a B today! At history and I am very proud of it. 

I think I will study more and I actually had a good day. 

Thanks for being here with me whenever I need you.

I am short today because I need to study and I am still thinking about that new girl. I just want us to be friends. Alot.


                                                                                               your Luke xx

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