Chapter 10

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Dear Carrie!

It's summer vacation! I am so happy I won't be seeing my schoolmates for two months! No bullying, no mean comments, nothing!

Just me and peace, well not really.

I am going to my aunt, and she has two little kids. Lucky me huh.

But our aunt lives like 15 min. from our house so it won't be that bad. It's just that my mum will work all summer and she didn't want me to be home alone all the time.

Dad moved out! I'm not even sad anymore, really, he never put effort in our relationship anyways.

Oh and I decided to tell Ashton everything. We are really really good friends, but you already know that. 

So I like Lily now. :) 

I don't know how this happend but there's something in her eyes that makes me love her.

I'm not telling her yet thou. I'm keeping it a secret until I'll be one hundred percent sure.

Oh and I stopped cutting. I'm clean for like 12 days. You give me that power. I know you're watching on me. My life is finally getting better you could say.

But before I forget.. we're playing gigs every second day now! And we have a new song! Amnesia.

People say it's really good. Last time I went to the grocery (my mum sent me) and I met these girls, and they said how much they love our music and how it makes them strong. It made my heart melt and they wanted to take pictures with me and all that. It was really fun to be the oen everyone likes for some time, not just the quite boy in the back.

And our band is getting more popular ! 

I am so excited for playing gigs. I actually wrote one song. But let's talk about that another time.

Oh gee I almost forgot, last time my mum almost found all these letters! Can you imagine?

I was so scared. But she didn't. 

So I will tell you more when I come from my aunt. I'll be there one week.

I miss you so much. I was on your grave today actually, I left you some roses. And tulips, hope you like it. 

Keep safe.♥☺


                            Your best friend till infinity and beyond,

                                                                                                    Luke xx

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