Chapter 5

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Dear Carrie,

I went to school today earlier because my mom was yelling on me that I need to fix my grades at Geographie. 

I got five F's. She said I wont be allowed to go out all summer if I don't fix them. Ughh.

I just wished you were here with me. I miss you a lot.

I met Daisy again and she started to talk to me. I was all like: "What's happening here?" But I didn't actually say it, it was just in my mind. 

Lilia was with her again. Oh and she gave me my pen back. Thou I have noticed there was a little piece of paper on it. I opened it and it said:


                                                                                                               Lily xoxo

It was sweet and it smelled like parfume. I decided to go give her a try. It's 20h now and my mum just got home from work. They had a long day, but she doesn't need to know that I went out. She would just yell on me.

I tried to sing today a bit, thou I sucked. My voice is harsh because I have a cold.

So back to the topic. Lily and I met where she said we will. She had this nice flower dress on her. Thou it was barerly covering her, but who cares? She has beautiful legs. Oh and you should see her hair. And her smile.

I wanna be friends with her so much. I am not really for a relationship right now and I wouldn't say I'm in love, but Ashton said I do look like I am. I don't know.

Oh and Ashton told me he misses you a lot. I wish I could just bring you back to him. And to me, after all you're my best friend. 

I think Lily, or as I prefer Lilia, is different than other girls in our class. Or in school genual.

Well we will see that, for now let's just say we're schoolmates and we get a long. She sat next to me again, today at teh chemistry and math!

I love you Carrie, you're always here for me. 


                                                                                                             your Luke xx

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