chapter 2

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"y/n, you don't understand love–" my friend, jennie says.

"yes i do! it's when a man and woman love each other!" i scream through the phone

"it's not that easy–" jennie says.

"here we go again." i say.

"it's–" jennie says.

"what are you being so loud for?" jimin says.

"hold on, i'll call you back." i say, ending the call.

"what do you want jimin?" i say.

"you're so loud talking about love or some shit." jimin says.

"i bet the streets are louder than me." i say.

"let's just say your voice is obnoxious so get lost." jimin says.

"this is my apartment." i say.

"this is my apartment." jimin mocks my voice.

"shut up, better say sorry that you interrupted my conversation between me and my friend." i say.

"is your friend a girl?" jimin says.

"yes, but i didn't hear a s–" i say.

"how old is she?" jimin says.

"she's 22.." i say.

"is she in new york city?" jimin says.

"no, she's studying in new zealand." i say.

"can i meet h–" i say.

"no, she's not interested in boys like you, i bet nobody is." i say.

"say that to my new girlfriends." jimin says as i roll my eyes.


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