chapter 44

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i push my hair behind my ear as i bite my lip, thinking how to apologize to jimin. wait, why should i be apologizing to him? he's the one that kicked me out! all my guilt turns into anger as it turns into hope. maybe.. we could start fresh! but how could i say it to him? i can't just say, 'hey jimin, let's start off fresh and be friends again.'

jimin starts humming a song as i move my eyes to him. he's swaying back and forth like he has nothing to worry about in life. i sigh as i say, "jimin"

"y–yes?" jimin says, a little startled.

i gulp as i bite my bottom lip.

"sorry.. for being harsh to you.. before." i say.

damnit, why did i say sorry! he should be saying sorry!

"nah, it's okay." jimin says.

that's it? he isn't going to say sorry back?

"well.. uh.. jimin.. i was expecting a sorry back." i say.

"sorry?" jimin says, more like a question then an answer.

i furrow my eyebrows as i say, "why would you say that? i'm trying to be nice to you."

he lays his head on my shoulder as i widen my eyes.

"yeah.. and?" jimin says.


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