chapter 10

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"how was the movie?" i say.

"s–scary." jimin says as i chuckle.

"you're so cute." i say i ruffle his hair.

"hey!" jimin says.

"it was so weird, the lady at the movie theater thought i was korean and said something in korean because i called you jagiya. she said, 'aww how cute' and 'good luck' which was very weird." i say.

"told you not to call me jagiya." jimin says.

"whatever jagiya." i say, sticking out my tongue.

"i guess this is goodbye." jimin says as he stands in front of his apartment.

"wait! can i sleep over?" i say.

"w–what?" jimin says.

"at your apartment." i say.

"sure.." jimin says, suspiciously.

after jimin cleaning everything up, he makes room for me on his couch.

"i'm sleeping on the couch?" i say.

"you're not sleeping on my bed." jimin says.

"but–" i say.

"n–no!" jimin says as his face goes red.

"i didn't mean it like that but okay.." i say, "good night, jimin!"

"good night y/n. sweet dreams." jimin says as i smile.


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