chapter 30

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all night i spent thinking about jimin. could he possibly like me? no! he has a husband.

"jimin, are you okay?" i say.

"yeah, sorry. i shouldn't have done that, did you get hurt?" jimin says.

"yeah, it's okay, it was just a little cut." i say.

it was a big cut.

"good, hope it didn't bleed a lot." jimin says.

"it didn't." i say.

it bleed a lot.

"thank god, i got worried." jimin says.

"don't be." i say.

"hey jimin." i say.

"yeah?" jimin says.

"i love you, more than a friend." i say.

jimin froze.

"i–i can't." jimin says.

"i know."  i say.

"i'm sorry." jimin says.

"hey, it's okay." i say, "do you mind if my friend comes over? i already told him that he can come."

"oh yeah, he can come." jimin says.

"thank you so much!" i say.

ding dong!

i rush for the door to see jungkook and i hug him.

"jimin, this is jungkook." i say.

"jungkook?" jimin says.

"jimin?" jungkook says.

"you guys know each other?" i say.

"yeah, we do." jimin says.

"i thought you left for new york?" jungkook says.

"i came back!" jimin says, hugging jungkook.

"jimin was my best friend." jungkook says.

"was?!" jimin says.

"you still are!" jungkook says, giggling.


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