chapter 22

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enjoy! ★彡

"you're really harsh as a teacher but soft as a boyfriend" i say.

"boyfriend, huh?" jimin says.

after a month, learning hangul and the language. may i add, the culture to and adjusting to the makeup style. i finally got the hang of everything. you must be wondering.. how did "ayeong" learn that all in a month. because jimin made me work 24/7 except when i had to go to college. i once had to do a couple of all—nighters because of him.

"i'm so excited! are you excited? our trip is in 2 days~ and my semester will finally end." i say.

"you seem very excited.. have you been on a plane before?" jimin says and i stay quiet.

"no.." i mumble.

"wait, seriously?" jimin says as i nod my head.

"woah!" jimin says, cutely.

"woah!" i mock him.

"are you mocking me? you mocking bird." jimin says as we both giggle.

"and i'm going to have to get used to people calling me ayeong.." i say.

"and instead of me calling you y/n, i'm calling you ayeong!" jimin says as i click my tongue.

"oh well.. what can i do?" i say.

"off to south korea!" jimin says, excitedly.


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