Chapter 5, A Change In Fate?

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I sighed as I opened the door to the house.

" Hello yuri! " My mother called out, I didn't answer, I just walked up to my room.

Today was meant to be 'dinner day', but I didn't feel hungry, maybe I was getting used to the fact that I was on a diet? Maybe I can start eating only once a week! 

My mother calls for me, which snapped me out of my thoughts.

" Hey, Yuri? "

" Yes? "

" Are you going to eat? "

" Um... No?" 

Why does she care? I'm doing this for her!

" It's just, you haven't been eating much lately..."

" I promise I'll eat something tomorrow, ok? "

I went back up to my room before my mother could argue with me anymore, and then lie down on my bed. I clench my pillow, and berry my face into it, crying my self to sleep, not wanting to face the world anymore.... 

~ Time skip, bought to you by Victor's sliver hair~ 

I woke up, feeling my face, it was wet, and sore, as it always is. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror, I was still fat, thats for sure, my eyes where red, and puffy. I wasn't looking my best.

After making my way though my family, and visitors, I made my way to the bathroom, and took out a small mint box, opened it, shook it, and then, there, on my palm, was a blood soaked blade.

After the incident at the airport, I released that glass wasn't going to cut it.

So, once I got home, and everyone was asleep, I tiptoed to my mothers basket in the bathroom, and took out her split end cutter. I opened it, and took out one of the blades inside it, and then replaced it with a piece of silver plastic. I figured mother would find out sooner or later, but at least it will give me some time to think of something to say before she finds out.

I placed the blade on my skin, looking at myself in the mirror, seeing all the old, and new cuts, that I have made.

I digged the blade into my skin, the blood oozing out, like thick, maple strip. Sighing as all the stress faded away.

" Yuri? Are you ok in there? "

Stupid mothers..

" Yes mom! I'm fine! "

I quickly rapped the badge around my arm, and pulled down my sleeve, and then walked out of the bathroom.

I walked up to my room to get my stuff ready for my full day of training, I packed my skates, and a bag, so my mother would think that I was bringing snacks along. 

As I was walking out of the door, there stood a dog, before it pounced on me.

Vicchan? no, it can't be, he's much bigger than Vicchan...


Could it be...?

" Yuri! Isn't he just like Vicchan? "

I turned my head around, to see my father.

" He came with a really good-looking foreign guest! He's in hot springs right now! " 

It can't be!

Can it?

I stumbled to my feet, lightly pushing my father out of the way,  and then started running for the springs.

I ran, only to find myself outside,

and there he was,

right in front of me.

" Vic-Victor? "

" Why are you here? "

He stood up, 

"Yuri, starting today, I'm your new coach! "



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why do you care? { vicuri } { depressed yuri x victor } (DISCONTINUING )Where stories live. Discover now