Chapter 11, What Am I To You?

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After the wonderful meal of pork cutlet bowls, Victor invited me to go on a walk to the beach with him, of course, I accepted his offer, not even wondering about why he is doing all this in the first place. 

As we walked along the beach, all that could be heard was the crunching sounds of the sand under our feet as we walked. The waves crashing with the sore. The smell of sea salt infected my nose, and the feeling of little grains between my feet. Best of all, there were no people around. 

Soon, we found a place to sit, it was nice, just Victor, the seagulls, and I. 

" Yuuri, what do you want me to be to you? " I looked up at Victor, who was staring at the sunset. Before I could reply, he gave me more questions. 

" A friend? "

" No... "

" A father figure? " 

" No... "

" A boyfri- " 

" NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! " 

I stopped him before he could finish the sentence, waving my hands in alarm.  " I just want you to be you... " I muttered, loud enough so he could hear me. 

Victor was silent but then chuckled. " Ok! Your turn! " 

" My turn? For what? "

" Asking a question! "

" What is this? 20 questions? "

" Well, yea! "

I thought for a second before I blurted out a question. 

" Why did you choose me? " I asked, no going back. 

" Out of all the skaters in the world, you choose me, why? " 

It was silent for a moment, I stared at Victor, Who was looking out, into the sunset, I decided it was a bad idea to ask him that. " I'm sorry-" I started before he interrupted me. 

" Because, Yuuri, when I saw you skate, I saw the potential you had. The way you flowed like the music was there, no, like you were the music! Not only that, but I also wanted to help you Yuuri, help you overcome your fears, help you become a better you. " 

After Victor said his little monologue, he looked down at me, I blushed and looked away, Victor chuckled. 

I sighed, still having a slight tint of pink on my face, I checked my phone. " 7:34 pm" I whispered to myself. " We should probably start heading back home. " Victor nodded. " I'll race you! " I looked at him like he was a five year old, racing to get the last ice-cream. " Challange accepted! " 

We ran home, only to end the race up by being a tie. 

" That was some race, wasn't it Victor? " I asked him, but no answer came back. 

" Victor? " I repeated, looking his way, only to see victor, frozen in his tracks. " Vic-VICTOR! " 

Suddenly, out no where, he fell to the ground, lifeless, " MOM! DAD! " I yelled, before taking out my phone and calling the ambulance. 


508 words 

why do you care? { vicuri } { depressed yuri x victor } (DISCONTINUING )Where stories live. Discover now