Chapter 10, A Question

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After last night, I really wanted to sleep in, and I would have slept in if it wasn't for Victor, waking me up.

" Yuu~ri! " He sang in a sing-song voice. " What? "I answered, not in the mood for getting up. 

" It's time to get up~! " he replied as if he had read my mind. 

I turn my head to look at the clock, 6:34?! No way! But then again, I do have to practise more...

" Yuuri! " he wines, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

I sigh an unhappy sigh and get out of bed, not even thinking about the fact that Victor was in my poster filled room. I started walking to the door. 

" Where are you going Yuuri? " I heard Victor ask. 

" To the shower. " I replied, bitterly, without turning to look at him. 

" Oh, ok! You better hurry up though because we're going somewhere today! "

What? I thought we were practising! Where are we going?

~ TiMe SkIp ~

After I had a shower and got dressed, Victor started to drag me somewhere, I still don't know where we are going. 

" Victor, where are we going? " I asked. 

... No reply. 

" Victor? " I asked again. 

" Somewhere! I want to keep it a surprise! " 

I sighed, looking around as we walked, looking at the leaves falling to the ground, there beautiful browns and oranges covering the once, green grass.

" Victor, aren't we meant to be practising? " I ask him, clinging onto my jacket like it was the only support I had, while I held Victor's hand with the other

" Yuu~ri! You ask too many questions! you know that right? try to relax for once! " 

Relax? How can I relax when I don't know where I'm going, let along with a handsome man like Victor? is this a date? no, it can't be! but still, just the thought of Victor taking me on a date made me blush. 

~smol time skip!~

After another 20 minutes of me asking questions, and Victor denying to answer them, we arrived at ' the place.' 

As soon as we walked in, the smell of pork cutlet bowls surrounded me, holding me captive I heard Victor laugh,  " I thought I would take you somewhere special today since you've been working so hard on your routine! " 

Is this really a date? I wanted to ask him, but I held the word back, in case I was wrong, and end up embarrassing myself in front of my idol, and coach. 

even when I kept denying it, I could help but blush, u tried to say thank you, but all that came out was a shudder. 

Victor laughed, liking my lack of communication skills. " You're cute, you know that Yuuri~? And no need to thank me, I hope you like the date~. "

I blushed even more, if that was even possible, so it was a date? 

We orderd and got our table number, and then say down in our seats. It was silent for awhile until Victor started to speak. 

" Hey, Yuuri, " I looked up at him as if to say ' Go on. ' 

 " Why don't you take your jacket off? It's kinda hot in here, don't you think? "

I nod, but then, just as I was about to take my jacket off, I realised something, the scares that lye underneath the fabric. 

Of course, little oi' me forgot to wear a long sleeved shirt! 

I tried to avoid eye contact with Victor, trying to make it less obvious. 

" Yuuri, are you okay? "

I looked up to see Victor, with a slightly worried expression on his face. 

" Y-yes! I'm f-fine! I-I would l-like to k-keep the j-jacket on, i-f that's ok... " 

I heard Victor sigh from across the table, then muttering something under his breath. 

" Hey, Yuuri, can I ask you something? "

  I look up at Victor again, looking at his soft, but worried face.

I nodded, as if to say, continue.

" I talked to your mother yesterday, she told me about how you haven't been eating much, is everything okay? "

I look down in shame, not wanting to answer the question he had just given me. " It's a beautiful day-" 

" Yuuri. " I got cut off by and angry, but soft Russian voice, I could tell his was worried about me, but why? why me? 

tears started to prickle in my eyes, i tried to hold them back, but still, tears escaped. 

Until i felt something soft touch my hand, it felt like a cloud, I looked up to see Victor, once again, I felt hot tears roll down my face. 

he smiled a small, loving, sweet smile at me like he was trying to say, ' it's ok, I'm here for you, '

" You know Yuuri, you could always talk to me, but talk to me when your ready ok? "

I nodded, giving him a small smile while wiping away the tears that were still running down my face. 

This man was going to be the death of me. 

Or maybe, he could be the reason why I'm still living... 


877 words 

why do you care? { vicuri } { depressed yuri x victor } (DISCONTINUING )Where stories live. Discover now