Chapter 6, A Pork Cutlet Bowl A Day, Keeps The Victor Away!

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" Yuri?? Why arn't your answering your cell?? "

I turn around, to see Minako-sensei, yelling at the top of her lungs, 

I decided to block out everything they where yelling about, and then looked back at my idol, Victor, who was now in front of me, and wasn't a body pillow or a poster.

Why was he here? More importantly, why did he want to be MY coach? 

" Why is victor sleeping in one of the inn's robes!? "

I sighed 

" He soaked in the hot spring and had dinner, then fell asleep..."

I still don't know how he had dinner, shouldn't he be on a diet to? 

~ smol time skip because I'm lazy help plz~ 

As he woke up, we all stayed quiet, until he spoke.

" I'm starving.....Hungry..."

How could you be hungry....? You just ate! 

" U-um... What would you like to eat??? "

He sat there for a second.... Silent.... Until he smiled, and then looked up at me.

" As your coach, I'd like to know what your favourite food is, Yuri. "

I sat there, a blush, creeping up my face. He wanted to know my favourite food? 

~ another smol time skip { I know, I'm sorry, } ~


I sighed, a happy sigh, a sigh that I haven't been able to sigh in a long time.

" Delicious! Too good for words! Is this what God eats? " 

A blush crept up my cheeks

" I-I'm glad you like it... "

" Yuri hasn't been eating it lately, which is kinda surprising when you think about it! "

I bow my head down, in shame, as she pokes me.

Victor stares, and then smiles.

God, how I love that smile.

" Then why don't you eat with me Yuri? "

I look up to see Victor, rice all over his face.

" P-pardon? "

" Why don't you eat with me? "

I wanted to turn him down, but at the same time, I didn't.

I thought for a second,

the food did smell nice....

I end up agreeing, facing the fact, that I was hungry. so, I get up, and sit next to Victor 

" so Yuri, " he starts. " tell me about yourself! "


360 words~ 

why do you care? { vicuri } { depressed yuri x victor } (DISCONTINUING )Where stories live. Discover now