« Blood Moon Ball(1) »

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Marcos POV

I made it down and right when the door opened Tom was waiting their for Sta- I mean me and it seemed like he was holding something. "Hello my sugar blossom, would you care for a hat?" He started to lift up a spider on my head but I stopped him before he put it on me, "N-no thanks Tom, but thanks for the offer." Tom tossed the spider and started to walk me to the doors, "okay, then let's begin this night together." He opened the doors and it looked amazing in there! There was a chocolate fountain and the whole room was bright! This was not what I expected.
I started to fast walk to the food, but Tom grabbed me by the hand and we started to walk by the photo stand, "come on Star! We need to save this moment!" I rolled my eyes and looked back at the food, I really want that food.
We got to the photo stand and they had props and a colorful back drop, and to my surprise Tom actually had a childish side of him. We got to the front and Tom picked a top hat, while I picked a fake mustache. "Haha! Star! You look a little like Marco!" I looked up at him and he was smiling at me, "Not really!... No!..." His smile stayed and I started to smile back, "we don't got all day here! Hurry up!" The camera man looked at us with a glare, but we thought it was funny. "Okay, one. Two. Three!"

I finally got to the food! Yes!! "Hey Star." I looked up at Tom and he looked weird, "hm?" I had lots of food in my mouth so I couldn't speak at that moment, "um, so the blood moon is coming soon, and I was wondering if we could dance." I almost choked on my food by laughter and to my surprise Tom was a softie. At that moment I was in a happy state so I nodded yes without thinking. Tom's face lit up with joy, "really Star?! You would dance with me?" Well shoot! Now I have to say yes! I nodded my head with a fake smile, and Tom smiled and gave me a hug. I thought I would burn, but Tom didn't seem that hot, but his heart was beating fast. "Okay ghouls and gals! It's time for the once in a life time blood moon dance!" I didn't want to hurt Tom's feelings so I had to go along with it, so I could get closer to Star.

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