« Would You Hesitate?(3)[END] »

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Marco's POV

Why is it so dark?
I open my eyes to see that I am in my room tucked in, what happened?...

I walk out of my room to see Star sitting at the table not eating her food.
I walk up to her, "are you okay?..." Star looked up at me with a smile, "uh... yea!... I'm alright..." I sit down waiting for my pancakes from mom, "so do you remember anything?... I mean, I can't remember anything after you asked me to dress up as you." Star looks down and plays with her food, "oh! Um... I changed my mind! I thought I was being childish and I went instead!" "Oh! Okay!" My mom set down my pancakes and smiled at me, I smiled back, and started to eat.

"Hurry up Star! We're going to be late!" I run through the front doors of the school, and rushed towards our class.
Me and Star made it into class before the bell rang, "oh my gosh! I thought we were going to be late!" Star walked right past me and sat in her seat. Is Star okay?...
I sit in the seat next to hers, and look at Star. "Star?... Are you okay?..." Star doesn't respond, and I look down at my notebooks.

When we get home, Star rushes to her room before I could talk to her.
"Welcome home Marco! Dinner is almost ready!" I put down my stuff and walk into the kitchen were my mom is cooking, "mom?... Do you know if Star is okay?..." she looks up at me with a confused look, "no... maybe you should bring up these piping hot nachos to her! Maybe that will make her feel better!" "Ok..." I grab the nachos and start to walk up to Star's room.
I knock on Star's door, "Star?..." I don't hear a response, so I walk in. She looks like she is sleeping, so I leave the nachos on her night stand. I know she will eat them, hot or cold.
I walk out of her room, and go to investigate what happened to Star.

It's been about an hour, and nobody knows what happened to Star! The only person I didn't ask was Tom. So I use my dimensional scissors to go and talk to him.

I arrive to hell, and see Tom playing ping-pong by himself. I walk over to him to ask him what happened.
"Tom" Tom looks at me with a plain expression and sighs, "what?" "Do you know what is up with Star? She's been off today." Tom stops playing ping-pong, "no, why?" I shrug, "I don't know! That's why I've been asking around." Tom walks over to his couch and lays on it, "well, I have no clue. Maybe you did something wrong..." I walk over to him, "I would never do anything to upset Star! The only thing I wouldn't do for Star would be dating you!" Tom gets up, "I really don't care what you would or wouldn't do for Star... now, can you please leave?... I'm trying to beat my high score." I glare at him and he smiles, I roll my eyes and stick out my tongue, and go back to my room.

I start to get ready for bed, and keep thinking, what happened to you Star?? ...Did I do something wrong?!...Did someone hurt your feelings??... I kept trying to figure it out, but I gave up and went to sleep.

I just hope you're okay...

Star's POV

I had to... I didn't want it to go on!...



The second book is in works as we speak! But please be kind to me, I've got to also move to a different state and go to collage soon. :,) So that means updates on the second book will be slow, I hope you all understand.



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