« Blood Moon Ball(3) »

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Marcos POV

    I wouldn't have thought in a million years that me and Tom would be slow dancing. And under the blood moon too! "Star, you okay?" I looked up at Tom and he looked a bit worried. "Y-yea! I'm as cool as ice!" Tom laughed and smiled at me, "that's a new one!" We made eye contact for the first time that night, and Tom was turning a dark pink, I laughed and for some reason I hugged him.
   Tom grabbed my head and leaned in closer, "I love you." I didn't know what to say or do, all I did was stare into his eyes. He pulled me in and kissed me, my eyes widened, but I couldn't pull away. So I did my best to imagine Tom being Star, and I gave in.

Stars POV

   I walked through the doors of the ball and I was still eating the nachos Marco's mom made, they are so good!! Wait, I'm getting off topic. It was already the soul mate thingie, blah blah blah blah blah. I looked out of curiosity to only see Tom and Marco dancing, aww! I've got to record this! So I got out my square thing that has wifi and I started to record. In the recording I saw Marco and Tom laughing and Marco hugging Tom. And then they stopped... And kissed!? I zoomed in on the both of them, and Marco seemed surprised at first but then he started to kiss back! Then I think Marco was feeling emotional because the magic I put on him started to fade and then it suddenly went away! I stopped recording and fastly finished my nachos. I changed myself into the same outfit Marco was in and put up my hair. Just before Tom opened my eyes, I switched places with Marco and started to dance with Tom.
   The blood moon closed and I smiled. "Well, it was nice while it lasted Tom. But Marco is here to bring me home." I start to walk away but then Tom grabbed my hand, "Star..." I walked away and grabbed Marco, "come on Marco!" I looked back to see Tom was a pinkish blue, but I got me and Marco into the carriage, and we were gone.

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