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Marco's POV

Me and Star got back to her room and I was totally speechless when she asked me, "so... Are you and Tom a thing now?" I looked down and flopped on Star's bed. "*sigh*... I don't know what came over me... It's just..." I rolled over and covered my face with the blanket. "AAHH!" Star jumped on the bed and uncovered me, "it's alright Marco, at least you will remember your first kiss!" I just wanted to die! "Stop it!" Star laughed, "don't worry Marco! I'll keep your secret! Now get out of my room!" I walked out of Star's room and walked slowly into my room. I didn't even change into my pajamas, and I couldn't stop thinking about it, Tom's childish side... His soft side... Ack! Why am I thinking about this!? I need to try and sleep...

Star's POV

I watched that video I took a few hours ago over and over again!! I couldn't help it! It was too cute!!!

Burning Hate/Love - Tomco FanficWhere stories live. Discover now