Date Night

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Faith works her way over to the main buffet, eyeing the fried shrimp, fried scallops, steak, fried chicken... "Damn, what the hell am I gonna start with?" 

"Start at one side and work your way around." Fred chuckling. 

Winifred slides in, watching as Faith sits across from her and grabs the pizza, eating the slice in record time. "Did you eat today?" 

 Faith continues to chew for a few minutes. "I don't think I did."

Winifred growls quietly. "Eat."

"Those crab cakes was good." Faith licks her lips as she finishes the her bite.

"I never did fix fish, did I?" Winifred questions

"Nope. Gotta teach me how." Faith nods her head

"Have you ever tried cooking before?"

"Nope. I mean, other than nuking shit, I ain't had nowhere to try cooking. I always lived in motel rooms before I was given the apartment, then I was in jail." Faith shrugs. "I'd like to be able to cook at least the basics to get by."

"If you're willing to learn, I'm willing to teach." Winifred grinning crookedly

Faith placing a firm kiss on Winifred lips. "I'm gonna see how much steak they got already cooked."

Winifred runs her tongue over her lips, her eyes half lidded at the firm, but quick kiss. Faith smirks as she sees the obvious desire on her girlfriend face as she waits her turn for the steak.

Faith inhales as she comes closer to the table, her lover arousal permeating the area strongly. 

Winifred slowly eats her food as Faith stares at her steak as she cuts it into bite-size pieces.

"Can ask you something"? Fred said 

"Anything". Faith repiles

"Have you ever been in love before, Faith?"

"No, When I needed to scratch the itch, guys were always available and easy. It was getting old Fuckin' just to be fuckin' was getting empty. Faith mutters quietly. "You know I'm gonna say stupid things and probably hurt your feelings. I'm gonna get angry and need to go out to blow off steam."

Winifred nods. "That's who you are, love. I don't ever want you to change. You are who you are."

Faith smiles crookedly at her lover before becoming very serious. "One thing I do wanna tell ya', I won't ever do anything to hurt ya' physically and I never cheat on ya'."

Winifred shakes her head "It never even occurred to me that you would do either of those things, Faith. You've already changed more than most people realize. So have I." then she drops her eyes looking down at the table. She thinks about Charles taking a moment to actually wonder what would have happened. Slowly realizing that it wouldn't have worked with him. She was in love with the thought of being in love she was never actually in love with him.


"What is it, babe?"

"I just realized that I never actually loved Gunn." She pauses. "The one guy that was my first  relationship I ever had, and I didn't love him."

"So, you're basically saying you feel better about it now?" Faith questions

"Sorry, That's been bugging the hell out of me all this time, and now it's gone." Winifred admits

Faith thread their fingers together, "What if, say four months down the road one of us decides that we don't want to be with the other person anymore?"

"There are no guarantees in life. Who's to say I won't be walking outside tomorrow and some idiot jumps the curb and runs me over? I hope that we find a place of our own and driving our neighbors crazy with screaming each others names into the night..." She smiles at Faith wide eyes.  "It will hurt, but I honestly believe that we would be able to end this as adults and be able to remain friends. "Do you want to continue this?" 

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