Starting Preschool and Meeting Andrew

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Aug 19, 2017

Ari pov

I had started working with Quinn to get her ok with being away from me for a period of time; at least 8 hours. This was because she'd be starting preschool on Aug 28, which was only in a few days. Thankfully we reached our goal. Quinn and I met the teacher as well. Her name was Ms. Laverne and she seemed nice. This preschool was called Sunny Side School. This was a preschool for children of celebrities; to prevent any fights due to jealousy. There were 8 kids in the class including Quinn. All of the other kids had been adopted as babies. Quinn's classmates were

Billy: son of Harry styles
Lauren: daughter of Jennifer Lawrence
Jeff: son of Britney Spears
Oona: daughter of Katy Perry
Greg: son of Joe Jonas
Tracy: daughter of Emma Watson
Andrew: son of Demi Lovato

Quinn pov

aug 28

It was my first day of preschool. I was scared to death at first and even started to cry a little. Mommy hugged me and promised she would pick me up as soon as school was over. Then she handed me my Rapunzel doll; that made it a little better. Then I walked into the classroom and started to try to make friends.

I felt so out of place. Everyone was talking to each other with ease but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I feared I'd have no friends. Then a boy with light red hair and brown eyes came up to me. I kept my eyes down

A= Q=Quinn G=Mrs Genevieve ( guidance counselor )

A: Hi, I'm Andrew

Q: ( points to herself) Quinn

A: I'm Demi lovato's son

Q: Ariana Daughter ( then Quinn starts twisting)

A: You don't say much do you?

( Quinn smiles walks away and spins. Mrs Genevieve; the school counselor walks over)

G: That's because she has Autism

A: What's Autism ?

( she explains what it is. Then Andrew goes to Quinn)

A: Quinn, I think you are amazing !

Q: Thanks

A: Wanna be friends?

( Quinn smiles and flaps her arms )

Q: Friends! Yes!

Quinn also learned he liked to paint too, so they started to paint together

30 minutes later the teacher walked in; time for class to start

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