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Maddie's POV

I wake up to see Alex still asleep. I look around we are outside. I got up and the sliding glass door was locked and the blinds were down. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't open.

I wake up Alex. Alex Alex Ale.....I stopped and looked at him he was so cute when he was asleep. I ended up just lay down next to him with my head on his chest. I then felt someone's hand trail down my back to my ass. Then I looked up at Alex. I then realized I was laying on top of him. But he didn't seem to care so I just lead my head back on his chest and fell asleep.

I then got woken up by my phone buzzing. I looked around. I then looked at were Alex's hand was

I smiled. Alex then woke up and realized where his hand was he then quickly removed his hand from my ass. I look up at him. Then I looked back at his hand. I grabbed his hand a put it make in my ass. Then I look at Alex who looked at me with shock.

We then finally got off the couch. I told Alex the news. He walked over to the door and tried to open it. But it didn't open. I looked at Alex told you I say with a smile. He then turns around and smirks at me. So it's just you an me alone. Yeah.... oh.... wait nooooooooooo ugh I say. I then grab my phone remembering that someone texted me. I look at the text it's from Jake

Jake. Hey so me and he rest of team 10 are going out for breakfast and might go exploring an abandoned insane asylum later tonight if you and Alex want to come. Be home soon.

Maddie. Yeah I'm we have a problem.

(10 minutes later)

Jake. What happen

Maddie. Me and Alex got locked out last night. We have been on my balcony all day so come home soon and unlock it please.

Jake. Hahaha....yeah

Maddie. And me and Alex want to go to the insane asylum

Jake. OK we are bringing you guys food back to. We just left we are 10 minutes away see you soon.

Alex's POV

We've been waiting for the team for about 30 minutes it was starting to get really boring and hot.

I then got a text from AJ.

AJ. How was last night did you smash

Alex. No......

AJ. What..what

Alex. I grabbed her ass

AJ. Damn....was it big

Alex. To be honest yes.....

AJ. OK what happened after that

Alex. She woke up and saw my hand on her ass. Then she just lead her head on my chest again.

AJ. Then what happen.....

Alex. I moved my head off her ass.....

AJ. And

Alex. She put my hand back on her ass and went back to sleep that's it then we woke up and know we are trying to get inside because it's really boring and it's not outside.

AJ. Oh we I just walked in the house.

Maddie's POV

AJ I screamed and gave him a big hug. Thank the Lord you saved me I was going to die I say laughing. Dramatic much AJ laughed. I stuck my tongue out and ran inside.

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