The Wronged Rake Part 1

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A/N: AU where homosexuality is an accepted practise, therefore the actions and reactions of the cast shall reflect on only personal feelings and not actual societal reflections of the times

The Duke of Thornton was coming to town, well-known rake extraordinaire and libertine. So the townsfolk hid their maids and daughters behind closed doors and careful chaperones... Unfortunately, they didn't realise they should have been hiding their footmen and boys!

"My dear Duke! How wonderful of you to join us. It has been entirely too long since we last saw you in the neighbourhood." Bows and curtseys from all the staff and hosts' family members who were lined up in the front entry hall waiting for him to remove his hat.

"Indeed, it has. When I received your invitation I simply had to drop everything and come here to see you all. I must know everything that has been going on. Tell me, my friend, how is life treating you?" He removed his outerwear and handed it over to a waiting servant with the briefest of glances.

"Good, good. Shall we go into the parlour to talk? This way." The Earl of Marlborne traipsed down the hall and led him into a warm, sunny room with bright blue walls. The family followed warily, taking seats on the various gold upholstered couches that lined the smallish room.

"Reintroduce me to your family, Marlborne. I swear I hardly recognise them." He waited as his friend hesitated a moment, exchanging glances with his wife.

"Yes, of course. My wife Eliza, I am sure you remember." He nodded and turned to the four young people who sat nervously on the couch, not meeting his eyes. "These are my girls, Glenda and Mary. My boys Theodore and Edward."

"Goodness. How old are they now?" He sat next to his friend leisurely after each had waved or nodded at the sound of their name to show him who was who.

"I'm the eldest at seventeen. Glenda is two years younger than I, Mary three years younger, and Edward is the baby at twelve years old." Theodore piped up bravely. The Duke looked over with a kind smile which evoked a return smile from the boy.

"Yes, Teddy is going to be joining us at the party. I think he is old enough now to be part of the adult festivities." His mother beamed with pride and Teddy blushed under the praise like a good child.

"Indeed. That is wonderful. I am so happy that your family is well. I forget how much older you are than I, until times such as this." The Duke chuckles with the Earl.

"I was a friend of your father's. I don't know why it would surprise you so." The Earl replies.

"Yes but... a son grown! It does not seem so long ago that I held him as a babe in my arms. How old was I?" The Earl thought a moment before responding.

"You were about Edward's age I think. It was hard to tell though, since you were so prone to trouble so early in your years. My Edward is much shyer than you ever were." The Duke laughed. He got up and The Earl followed suit.

"Well, my friend. We must speak more later. For now, I must get some rest after my journey. A pleasure seeing you all again. Lady Eliza." He bowed all around, gave her hand a quick squeeze and sauntered out of the room. Silence descended on the remaining occupants.

"Are you mad? What on earth possessed you to invite him for our celebrations?" Eliza hissed at her husband, stomping over to her girls and wrapping her arms protectively around her eldest, Glenda.

"He is my best friend's son. I always invite him. It just so happens that he actually said yes this time. What do you want me to do? Say he has to leave? I can't do that. You know I can't. I owe too much to both his father and now him. So keep your mouth shut and keep an eye on our girls. I have already warned the housekeeper not to send any maids up to his room. It should be fine." The Earl wrung his hands and left the room. The two boys shrugged and asked their mother to be excused to go riding.

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