Southern Comfort

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Invariably when the sun was high and so hot it felt like the skin would melt from my bones, I would retreat to the cellar. My mother kept the cobbles swept regularly and the stones kept cool even in the heat of the day. I would drag my sweat soaked body down and lay my cheek against them in an effort to chill my fevered skin. It was on a day like the depths of hell had joined us when I was plastered on the ground in exhaustion that I first spoke to him.

"Mrs wont likely appreciate all that dirt Master Ethan." The deep voice came from the shadows and put a chill up my back despite the warmth of it. I shifted my head to look over at the man counting wine bottles in the corner and nearly moaned with pleasure at the fresh cool stones I had laid upon.

"I'm already sweat soaked. Either way my clothes are dirty. Not like she is the one who scrubs them. Nor pays for them, for that matter." I mumbled from my sprawled position on the floor.

He chuckled and the rumble brought a blush to my cheeks. I was being incorrigible and we both knew it. I watched him carefully check the labels and shift them just so. His long, lean fingers slowly made the marks with charcoal and he patiently went through the rows.

"There somethin' you be needing from me, Master Ethan?" he rumbled without looking in my direction. I studied his calm face and wondered aloud to myself.

"Just wonderin' where you learned to count and write." I mumbled. He looked over finally at that. His dark eyes delving into mine as if to look into my soul.

"My old Master taught us, sir. He needed specific amounts and didn't want anyone accidentally shorting him, nor on purpose. We had to keep track o' everything we did. Does it bother you? Me counting and writing?" His rumbling voice was both warm and cold at the same time, if you get my meaning. I smiled with no anger, no pride, and no meanness.

"I am not like my father. I'm learning the business but forgettin' the practices... if you catch my drift." I looked him in the eye and held it. He finally cracked a grin and went back to his counting. He and I, we understood each other now. That meant I could stare at him for as long as I wanted while he worked without me bothering him. Well, bothering him much anyhow.

He was a handsome fella, as men go around these parts. Tall and lean, he was, with smooth and even skin over taught muscles from working hard. His short cropped hair gleamed healthy even in the dim light and I had caught the flash of white, even teeth when he grinned. Even those black eyes with their flash of intelligence and danger were bright and caught my eye. I grinned to myself at my midsummer fantasizing.

"What-choo grinnin' at Master Ethan?" I was so busy looking him over that I didn't notice he had stopped counting and was slightly turned to watch me as I appraised him from toes to tips. I blushed now under his curious gaze and looked away from those searching eyes. Not a chance was I admitting to him my innermost thoughts. Especially since they directly concerned him.

"Nothin'." I mumbled sheepishly. He grinned right large at that, and after checking the cellar door was shut he shook his head reprimanding at me.

"Now, Master Ethan, y'cant look at a man like that and say it's nothin'. I reckon I am right flattered with you being as handsome a lad as was, and I suppose my better to boot." He licked his lips and frowned at the thought. He also looked away, to my utter disappointment.

"NO. Not your better. Not in my mind anyhow, where it matters. You've got a few years on me, I'd imagine. You're a might bit quicker at the mathematics than I am too. If anyone is anyone else's better- then you'd be mine." I smiled again as his head whipped around at that in surprise. The silence was pregnant with tension and possibilities.

"You are right. You are not your father. I'd say you are about as far from him as Tai from town is from his homeland." He said eventually, his eyes bright. I got up from the floor and walked the few feet to where he stood now, his papers tossed aside to meet me.

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