A Sudden Arrangement

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The king was forced to his knees before the angry man in front of him. He was resigned to his fate, closing his eyes briefly before lifting his gaze to the tall man who now towered over him sword in hand. The audience was quiet for the most part. Only the slight shuffle of clothing as the servants shifted uneasily.

The guards watched in defeat as their king was bowed before this upstart lord from the west. They felt their failure keenly as the lord's soldiers stood over them with drawn swords in case one of them felt their heroism too keenly. They knew when they were beaten though. The servants were too afraid of the strange warriors in the hall to bother fighting back. They were still thinking of the battles in the corridors that they had witnessed.

They had yet to collect the casualties. They had yet to scrub the floors of blood. The whole city waited with bated breath to find out, what next? The tapping of the lord's footsteps on the marble floors ticked out the seconds. He looked around him at the concerned audience. The fearful people with their pleading eyes and wringing hands. For all this man had wronged the lord's people, he had been a saint to his own populace.

"Shame you bore none to seal this breach, Kaelan. I will have no choice but to take your throne and possibly your life. For the safety of my people, I see no other way." He sighed, realising that it would win him no love of these people by doing so. The king merely bowed his head, nodding in agreement.

"No! No please! Don't hurt him!" A young man tore away from the group of servants and flung himself in front of the king. The hood fell back from his matching golden hair and the king cried out.

"Stupid child! I told you to leave this morning! What in god's name are you still doing here?" He shook the boy and then clasped him to his breast in fear.

"I'm so sorry your majesty! I tried to make him go...." An old woman sobbed from the sidelines. Her floured dress and apron labeled her from the kitchens. The king had tried to hide his son but failed to gain his agreement on the matter. Now the room was tense. Not one life was on the line now, but two.

"Well now. What have we here?" He sheathed his sword and then yanked the cloak from the boy. His fine clothes were rumpled and slightly dusty from a scuffle. He grabbed the scruff of his neck and pulled the young man away from his father. The king sobbed, fearing the worst.

"It would seem the king is a liar as well as a murderer." The man at his lordship's shoulder muttered. The boy shot him a dirty look.

"My father is not a murderer; he has made mistakes in judgement. That simply makes him human." He argued. The older man sniffed in derision. The lord however, regarded him with interest.

"Brave of you. To defend your father in the face of death. Did you wish to die with him then? Is that why you have come forward? Will you offer me your head?" He spoke quietly, so only the two of them could hear. The boy paled and looked at him in surprise.

"If I do, will you spare him? Will you spare all of these people?" He bargained. The lord looked surprised. Was he seriously trying to barter for these people?

"If I say yes definitely, what say you?" He narrowed his eyes. Surely the boy wouldn't ask for death.

"I say yes. Take it. My life is yours." He gulped and held the lord's gaze bravely. The lord nodded once and snapped his fingers.

"Bring the priest." He watched the boy pale further, his skin now almost green in cast. He seemed to weaken and caught himself with a deep breath. The king couldn't hear what was going on and the audience watched in curiosity as well.

"How are you holding up, my son?" The old man asked the boy when he walked up. The gaze was gentle, loving and sympathetic. This child was adored by these people. The lord knew it in that moment. He had no chance of killing this innocent boy, not even for political reasons, and walking away unscathed. He very much feared that the death toll this day would become horrendous if he raised his sword.

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