Winning Heaven

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"What is this here?" Gale looked over Heaven's shoulder to read what was written in the ledger. The older records were perfect for showing Heaven how the accounts worked.

"It is an order for a new hay bale cart. See, there is the carpenter's name and that is the price we paid him for his craft." Heaven's face scrunched cutely with concentration and it was all Gale could do not to bend down to steal a kiss. It was becoming more and more difficult for both of them to hide their feelings now that they both knew the other felt similar.

"Don't we have a steward to look after these things?" He griped and Gale shook his head.

"Do not leave your estate completely in the hands of others unless you would be fine with having your money and goods stolen. It is not that we cannot trust others though, it is that we shouldn't. It is your responsibility now. Come, just a bit more and we can stop for today." He sighed and bent to the task. Gale was so proud of the younger lad. He smiled as he watched over him.

"Milord? There is a stranger come to speak with you. He looks rather unsavory." The butler whispered to him, careful not to let the boy overhear. Gale nodded with concern and told Heaven that he could finish up and go to his room to rest when he was done.

"Where is he?" Gale asked. The butler led him to the main office where he dealt with irate farmers and shady businessmen. He went in and sat at the enormous carved desk, looking at rather rough looking man with suspicion.

"Ello milord. Nice place you gots here. Must take a lot o money to run a place like this. Am I right?" He sneered. Gale narrowed his eyes.

"What are you here about?" He growled at the man. The man grinned.

"Oh all righ' then. To business. I be thinking the new lord may not want his past flung about, so I came for a little grease to keep me quiet-like." He sat back with a smug look and Gale laughed at him. The man looked confused and annoyed. The lord just shook his head and stood up.

"You are a fool. That you would think for an instant any of his lordship's serving staff or friends would care what happened in the past... well, it just shows what kind of person you are. We will not, under any circumstances, allow you to hurt Heaven. Now get out of his house, off his land, and out of his life before I teach you a lesson in manners." He cracked his knuckles and glared with that dangerous look and quiet voice of his.

The man suddenly realised his mistake and bolted for the door. Gale followed him to the outside door just to make sure he was leaving. He heard a rustle behind him and turned to see a slightly pale looking Heaven standing behind him. He watched the man leave with a deep frown. Would he have to deal with lowlife's from his past for the rest of his life? Gale pulled him into a side chamber and hugged him.

"Never fear, Heaven. I would not let any of them harm you. Not by word or deed if I can help it." He murmured to him. Heaven snuggled into the embrace and breathed in the smell of his warm cologne. He wanted more from his uncle, but had only received these warm embraces and been allowed to kiss him when others were not around. He snuck a quick peck now after checking the doorway.

"I know you wouldn't. Thank you, Gale." He slipped away, much to the regret of his uncle. How was one to carry things further with a man who would have been your nephew? How to ask for things that were once forced upon him? He couldn't move without fear of ruining what they had. He had to rely on Heaven to move when he was ready and willing. Perhaps he just needed a little more confidence.

"I will wait for you, Heaven. Never fear." He whispered in the doorway. The serving staff exchanged glances and went about their business as though they heard nothing. It was hard for them to watch the two kind gentlemen circle each other warily with such simmering passion underneath. Sometimes they wanted to bump into them in the halls so they would just touch and get it over with instead of looking on with such longing.

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