Sleeping with the Enemy

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"How long has this been going on?" He said grimly as he stared across at the belligerent woman in front of him. She sniffed and looked away.

"Since Adam was two, I think." She crossed her arms and shifted on her feet. He sighed. It did not surprise him as much as he once thought it would. It was such a shame though, for his wife was beautiful and smart, or so he thought. Not smart enough to get away with adultery and treason.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked quietly. She looked at him in surprise and considered not telling him one way or the other, but she didn't really have a choice in the matter.

"No I don't think so." She allowed with pursed lips.

"Good. I'd hate to execute a pregnant woman." He sneered at her. She narrowed her eyes at him. She was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her luscious curves and thick mahogany locks made her any man's wet dream. He just wished she had been more faithful.

"Your brother would never even think to do such a thing." She lauded the absent man.

"No, he would just try to kill his own brother and steal his wife." He retorted. She scoffed at that.

"That wasn't hard. He is twice the man you are. When we escape together, you will find that others feel the same way I do. We will overthrow your tyranny." She seemed smug until he started laughing grimly.

"Oh my dear. This is not some fairy tale where the prince escapes and daringly rescues you. He won't overthrow the evil king and marry the beautiful queen, nor will you live happily ever after. You see, in the real world there is no long drawn out prison sentence with sympathetic guards. There is just proof of treason and a trip to the chopping block. I did not even have to sentence him, as my royal guards already had the paperwork done. You are too late. He is already dead." He said gruffly.

"What do you mean? You didn't even let me say goodbye?" She began to realise the situation and her face fell.

"Why would I? So you can conspire further against me? Oh wait, it is so you can pretend to be the victim and have sympathy from your co-conspirator. That is not the way it works, my queen. This is just the part where I fill in the gaps about your secret plans and tell you of your fate." He was annoyed at the woman who cried now in front of him. As if she didn't do this to herself.

"You are a monster." She accused him. He rolled his eyes and ignored it. He waved for a guard to take her away. Not to the dungeons though, straight to the executioner herself. Just as they were leaving he called out.

"Oh one more thing. Your brother, did he know?" He met her teary-eyed look with a hard one and she gasped as she figured out what he wanted to know. Was there one more execution happening today?

"No! I swear it. He did not know. Please have mercy!" She begged him. He did not answer her right away, but when she fussed at the door refusing to leave he finally glared at her and nodded. She looked relieved and hopeful. He decided it was best if he did not deal with her brother right away, not while he was still hurting so badly. Between the betrayal and the deaths of two most important people in his life, he felt lost and tired.


He knew he was in trouble. As soon as Arianna was caught and taken straight to the block he thought for certain he was next. He didn't bother to mourn her, since no one else who loved the king did. Many were just grateful she was gone. He only hoped he had helped to expose her for the lying, cheating bitch she was. He was trying to be smart. He stayed in his rooms mostly, and didn't even attempt to flee.

The best he could hope for was mercy from his brother-in-law. He was known to give it to those who deserved it. The question was, did he deserve it? He wasn't so certain. He felt like he could have or should have done more. He cursed the day his parents had brought them both to the capital to show off. The girl was so beautiful; it was no wonder she caught the eye of the king. If only he had been the girl, then none of this would have happened.

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