May the Fourth be with You

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"Your Majesty, the fourth child is born." The old Butler stood in the doorway. The king sat staring into the burning embers of the fire without looking up.

"What is it?" He asked quietly. There was a moment of silence.

"A boy your Majesty." He told him. The king sighed heavily and put his head in his hands.

"That is what I get for putting my faith in prophecy. We are all doomed to repeat history. Without a daughter to join our nations, I fear we will continue to be at war unending." He looked up finally at the old man with a weary look.

"Don't say that sire. Perhaps he will find a way?" the old man said hopefully.

"It will take a miracle." He told him gravely.

"Is that the boy's name then?" the old man said cheekily. The king laughed.

"Why not! Let my fourth son be Prince Miracle of House Dalston." He slapped his knee and rose. The old man led him from the room to meet his miracle.


Dammit. I knew I should have taken the left path. I was officially lost and dangerously close to the border. I was sure I had been wandering around in circles for the last two hours. When I heard the sound of laughter, it was refreshing and reassuring. I peeked through the bushes to see a group of boys playing at a watering hole.

I stayed back to watch for a few minutes, trying to determine if I was in any danger. They seemed like a friendly lot of people. There were ten of them, all various ages. One or two looked to be older than me, and the rest were younger. There were four blondes, one redhead and five brunettes. The youngest was learning how to swim from one of the elders.

"Oi! Who's there?" one of the brunettes called out when he caught sight of me. I was just going to slip away, but I supposed now I was noticed that I would ask directions. I stepped out of the bushes and smiled and waved so they would know I was friendly.

"Hello. I'm sorry for intruding. I seem to be lost. I just heard your laughter and I hoped maybe you could set me back on the right path?" I walked forward and gave a slight bow. I heard the little one giggling like mad as he scrambled onto the bank. He came running forward and offered his hand out to me with a big smile. I grinned and shook it.

"Hello there. Do you want to swim with us? It is so much fun! My big brother is teaching me how." He pointed to the other blonde hair boy in the water. He had matching bright green eyes that sparkled from the water reflection. I hesitated. I had been wandering for awhile and I was a little worried that there would be people come to look for me. The other boys looked a little hesitant as well.

"Is he then? And is your big brother a very good swimmer himself? I confess I am rather poor at it. I have not had much time to practise." I said to the smaller boy. He clapped his hands and tugged my sleeve.

"Then you simply must join me in my lesson! Everyone should be good at swimming. Come on." He turned and jumped back in the pool of water with a splash and a laugh. Oh what the hell. I pulled off my bow from my back, pulled my tunic and shirt off, stripped off my trousers and boots, then followed him in with a splash.

"Oh my gods! It is freezing in here! Why didn't you warn me?" My teeth chattered a little as the other boys laughed at my distress. I splashed one close by and that started a little splashing war between a few of us. Then the little one got a mouthful and started coughing so we all stopped. He dragged me over to his brother, who eyed me a little suspiciously.

"Show us how to do the paddle thing." He demanded. The brother showed us how to kick our legs and then showed us the arm movement. We tried them separately, then together. Soon we were paddling around in little circles while the big brother congratulated us. It was fun hanging out with these boys. I had a sneaking suspicion that I was over the border though.

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