The Wronged Rake Part 2

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The large parlour room was crowded. The duke was in a foul mood, since he had yet to see Teddy all day. Instead he had been introduced to any of the people he missed the other day and was being glared at by the suspicious fathers. The mothers on the other hand, had decided he might settle down with one of their girls and were doing their best to charm him. It wasn't working. If anything, it was just making it harder for him to be civil.

"Your Grace, did I tell you my dearest Laura is a most accomplished pianist? I declare she shone most brightly at our most recent soiree. Should we have a chance while we are here, I beg that you will listen for a spell." The matron had hold of his wrist now in a most forward manner and he fought to disentangle it inconspicuously. He hated clingers-on. They made his skin crawl. Rather he begged to be excused and tried again for the door to leave.

"Your Grace, are you looking forward to the ball on the morrow's eve? I say, I am most looking forward to the dancing. My daughter Beth is a very good dancer. Perhaps you could save a spot on your card for her?" He felt suffocated. Turning from one calculating glance to another. Sliding between tailcoats, perfumed skirts and finally making the door. He slipped out with an apology and a sigh of relief at his escape.

It was perilous to come to parties such as these as a bachelor. Every mother was a schemer out for his blood and pocketbook. If he had not been avoiding a rather ardent ex-lover and responsibilities in town, he should not have agreed to come. After meeting his hosts family again however, he had changed his mind on how tedious this was to be for him. The young siblings were bright, cheerful and (so far) fun to be around. The elder siblings were beautiful, charming and full of innocent mischief. All in all, just his kind of company.

He caught sight of a light grey tailcoat topped by blond curls going around the corner and set off after them. Nodding to the passing company who would squeeze into the parlour with sympathy, he searched for the glimpse of his quarry. He caught sight again as his brother slipped in through a door. Making his way over, he ducked inside himself. It was a library, fairly large in size and lined from floor to ceiling in books.

A few gentlemen sat in the plush brown chairs grouped in the middle of the room, barely sparing him a glance as he looked about the room. There were alcoves created by shelves that stuck out into the room on either side and a ladder took one up into a small balcony. It was there he caught sight of movement and thought he heard a giggle as he approached. Sure enough, all four of the children were seated on the balcony with fancy pillows to sit upon and books in their hands.

"There you are. I was wondering how you managed to avoid the crush downstairs." He had to duck a little as he approached the smiling group.

"Shhh! Quiet. We are all in hiding from mother. She wishes us to mingle, but we would rather not." He was ushered to a cushion and carefully folded himself down onto it. He smiled at Mary, nodding that he understood.

"I must warn you, we are playing a rather silly game." Glenda whispered. He raised his eyebrows.

"We each take a book, then take turns reading random passages in order to make up a new story. You will need a book... or, here you can have mine." Teddy reached across and their hands brushed at the passing of the text. He blushed before turning to grab another book from the shelves behind him.

"Seriously? Fordyce's sermons? How on earth does this fit into a story?" Edward cackled and Glenda tried to shush him.

"It doesn't. That is the point." She whispered. He cracked a grin. This was going to be interesting. Especially since Mary held a romance, Glenda had a pirate's tale, Edward a children's short story sampler and Teddy now turned with a historical text in hand. Mary started the round, reading a rather insipid passage of the two lovers meeting. Glenda swept them off into a storm, thrashing about on a vessel in the high seas.

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