Finding Heaven

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A/N refers to non-con and violent past, not graphic and story building only...

"Welcome milord. What can I interest you in today? A blonde? A brunette? Perhaps someone French?" The sleazy old woman appraised him with a sharp eye. He shifted in discomfort, not sure where to begin. He thought subtlety might not be her strong suit when it came to what he was there for.

"You misunderstand, Madame. I am here looking for my dearest sister. She was lost to my family about seventeen years ago, and I was told by a few people to come here and speak to you. A black haired girl, only fifteen years old at the time, and possibly with child? She may have gone by Mary or Margaret Heaven." I explained to the woman. She got a cagey look to her face and tapped one painted nail on her chin.

"Hmmm. Let me think. Mary or Margaret Heaven? I can't recall..." She hesitated. I slid a ten pound note onto her desk and she grinned slyly. "Wait. Now I remember. Yes, a girl by the name of Martha Heaven came to us very large with child. Sadly, she passed in child birth. Such a terrible time for us all. Such a big mess." She sneered and waved a hand. My heart sank at the news. My hope flew out the window now that the woman I was searching for was dead.

"Indeed. Dead you say? What of the babe?" I cleared my throat as she hummed and hawed needlessly. I slid another ten pound note across the desk and she smiled again.

"Oh it died. Sad affair. Buried it with the mother at the chapel in the sinner's lot. Didn't know what else to do with them." She droned on. The door burst open and a flurry of red fabric came into the room.

"Liar! You old bitch, tell the man the truth or I will." The half-dressed girl shouted at her. The man looked wide-eyed at the scene unfolding. His eyes narrowed as he realised the woman was lying about the child, that much he figured from the argument.

"The child lives? Where? Here? God forbid. Take me to it." He got up from his seat and followed a rather smug whore up the back staircase while the madam hollered after them. The girls in the house tittered and ran into their rooms mostly naked, posed in doorways, and catcalled to him as he made his way through the house. His anxiety mounted as he realised she was taking him to one of the rooms on the girl's floor.

"Ere you are milord. The name is just 'eaven. The old bitch never gave 'im a proper name. Said 'e owed 'er for all the mess and then the upkeep. Just keeps racking up 'is debt so e'll stay if you get my meaning." She leveled him a look and he nodded. She opened the door and he hissed in a breath. The smell of sex and perfume was present even in here.

A figure sat at the small dressing table. The silk dressing gown was open slightly to reveal porcelain skin and smooth lean muscles. He was small for his age, thin for someone who was supposedly getting meals from the madam, and absolutely beautiful. He had the look of his mother about him. Lush dark locks spilling down his back and wide, dark blue eyes. They regarded each other in the mirror for a moment.

"Well now. About time I get someone young and handsome. What are you here for?" He turned and stood.

"You, Heaven. Pack your bags." He watched the shocked look with some enjoyment. Then the boy crumpled into a heap on the floor, breathing heavily. He flew to his side and wrapped his strong arms around the thin shoulders.

"What...? How...? Why?" Heaven stuttered as he was hugged fiercely by this handsome stranger. I mean, they all imagined one day a prince would show up and whisk them away but... now that it seemed to be happening he was going into shock.

"I am your guardian. It took me awhile to find you, and for that I am so very sorry. I cannot imagine what you have been through. Come now, let us get you out of here. Have you any clothes you can leave in?" He looked about the room at the lingerie strewn about and then towards the door where the girl still stood watching.

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