The Traitor's Brother

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A/N yeah I updated... about time...

The corridor was framed on either side with the most beautiful paintings of autumn trees and elegant furnishings. Ariel was not given time to admire them as Damon pulled him along. The king was almost too eager as he made his way to his bed chambers. Ariel's heart fluttered with nerves the closer they got to it.

"Sire? Could you slow down a bit?" He asked in a breathless voice. Damon chuckled at his own exuberance.

"Of course. I'm sorry." He replied without apology. His cheeky grin made Ariel shake his head at him. Then he was too busy looking wide-eyed at the grand room he was inside. The gilding on the furniture was thick and shiny. The wood all polished to a shine seemed to make each piece look brand new. The style was that of an age gone by though. "Do you like it?"

Ariel looked over to the man who had the look of a boy seeking approval. He smiled at the thought and nodded slightly. The returning smile had him blushing a little. He was pulled closer by the hand that had refused to let go since the moment he placed it there. He gulped at the look of interest that was directed at him.

"I'm glad." He whispered as he leaned in to kiss him gently. Ariel let the softness take over his senses and did not lean away from the attention. He could get used to that feeling. It was something tender and not at all what he thought would come from his brother-in-law. It was not gruff and straight forward, but rather some coaxing thing that pulled him in.

He nearly followed as those lips left his, completely drawn by the spell that they were putting over him. Damon pulled him into his arms then, one hand resting upon his waist as they simply looked at each other. Ariel licked his lips and glanced at the ones that had just left his. It was all the encouragement the king needed.

He kissed him again. This time a little more demanding. This time with an arm to pull their bodies closer until they were flush against the other. Ariel was breathless in seconds. As much from the kiss as from the feel of the larger man against him. He was warm and strangely comfortable.

"Are you alright?" Damon's concerned voice drew Ariel out of his thoughts. He realised that he had frozen in place, so he reached forward with one hand to comfort him.

"Yes, I'm alright. I was just lost in thought." He admitted. His hand came up to rest on the king's chest with a tender pat. Damon looked down at it, also thoughtful.

"About me, I hope?" He asked hesitantly. Ariel smiled.

"Yes, sire. I was thinking about how comfortable this was." He couldn't meet his liege's eyes after saying such an outrageous thing. A firm hand moved his chin up to meet those same eyes he was avoiding. They considered him carefully.

"Good. Because I am about to ask you to do something... rather shocking." The king replied almost mischievously. Ariel looked at him now with a bit of alarm.

"What?" He said with an unsteady voice. A hand ran up and down the small of his back soothingly, but in a way that was almost more alarming.

"I want you to disrobe." Damon's hand came away to pluck at the tunic he wore, and his eyes trailed down to his lover's body with curiosity. "Will you?"

"I..." He stopped. His words were catching in his throat. He couldn't get them out. He pulled back slightly and a flash of disappointment crossed the king's face. True to his word though, he let go of him and allowed him to back away.

Rather than speak he raised his hands to his belt and, without looking in Damon's direction, he loosened it so it fell to the floor. His hands shook a bit as he grasped the bottom edge of his tunic and in one swift movement he pulled the garment over his head. His shirt had come untucked from his breeches on one side and he pulled it out the rest of the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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