Kashyyyk Landing

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In the days of the Old Republic, the galaxy is in a state of war. Jedi Master Tai Kamiya has been tasked with finding the locations of each map that will lead his group to the Star Forge: a mysterious object that has led the Sith to obtain an infinite fleet. Tai wanders around the corridors of the Ebon Hawk, on their way to Kashyyyk, homeworld of the Wookiee species. He and his fellow Jedi, including his Padawan and younger sister, Kari, were the only ones on this ship.

"I can't believe we're having to find these star maps. They could be anywhere on this planet, especially since it has big trees." He said to himself, fidgeting nervously. His navy-blue Jedi robes and cloak kept him warm in the chill of space, his lightsaber hanging off his belt. He had just been given the rank of Jedi Master a short two weeks ago and was still getting used to being called one. His appointment generated much attention as he was known to be a hothead Jedi who routinely ignored the advice of the Council and answered to no one except himself.

Jedi Master Sora Takenouchi came around the main hold and into the crew quarters. Her auburn hair flowing to just the end of her neck, her light brown robes matched her brown boots, and her lightsaber hung off her belt. She was the wisest of the group when it came to the Force and would give advice when it was needed.

"Talking to yourself again, Master Kamiya?" She chuckled as she turned the corner and saw him standing at the window, staring out into the blackness of space. Tai being promoted to Master she felt was a bit of a comical joke, but he was still a courageous Jedi.

"You know, I don't need this abuse Sora," Tai shot back. "I've got enough on my plate without you or Matt still making fun of my becoming a Master. If Ulic Qel Droma were still here, he'd show you all how it was done." Tai tried to find the words to sound intimidating but just ended up making Sora laugh even harder. The two of them had known each other since their Youngling days and were the best of friends since but they could never resist teasing each other when the situation called for it. She had been named a master, along with Master Matt Ishida, another lifelong friend of his, before him and took great pride in joining them among the rank of Masters of the Jedi Order.

Matt announced on the PA system the Hawk had included, "We're landing on Kashyyyk. Everyone get the right amount of gear you need. Odds are we won't be leaving for a long while."

Outside of the cockpit, Padawan TK Takaishi went inside to see his brother and master. "TK, take a look at this planet. We're definitely gonna have a good time finding this star map." Matt said, sensing his Padawan's presence through the Force.

Matt was the best pilot in their group and while he had a hard exterior, he was very kind-hearted and cared for those closest to him, especially his Padawan. His dark brown robes and cloak matched his brown boots and his lightsaber hung off his belt. His shaggy blonde hair hung over his eyes, causing him to brush it back.

TK was bewildered with how big the trees were on the Wookiee homeworld. "I'll prep the medpacs. Oh, and make a call to Master Joe." TK ran out of the cockpit and into Tai's Padawan, Kari.

"Sorry Kari. I didn't see you there." He bowed apologetically.

"It's okay, TK. I think Tai will want us to go together as a test to see if we're ready for the rank of Jedi Knight. Wouldn't that be nice?" Kari implied with a wink at TK, who simply blushed and ran off to the med lab.

Another voice was heard over the intercom this time.

"Izzy, this is Mimi. Get the datapads ready. We should go explore this planet together." Mimi said over the intercom in the security lab. She saw Izzy over the cameras give thumbs up as he was collecting the pads for data collection.

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